Marina Margherita

  • 25 May 2018


    Some Sanskrit words are all the more meaningful and powerful because of their brevity, all the more complex and difficult to understand because they…

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Marina Margherita, MA. has taught French and Italian Literature at the University of Naples (Italy), and Calgary (ALTA, Canada), before becoming a yoga teacher in 1976 and a pupil of Sri T.K.V Desikachar, in the tradition of his father Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, in 1986. She currently teaches yoga traditional texts and practice in individual classes and seminars, trains and supervises teachers for the Institut Français de Yoga and contributes articles and studies to yoga publications like the Yoga Journal of IFY and Les cahiers de Présence d’Esprit. Her pedagogical approach aims at promoting personal and spiritual growth, by studying and exploring through practice the essence of traditional texts like Yoga-Sûtra, Bhagavad-Gîtâ, Sâmkhya-Kârikâ and Upanishad.
