EDITORIAL Martin Dojčár Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce the 1th issue of the Spirituality Studies journal! In its content you can find extensive lifetime research contributions of Stanislav Grof and Emil Páleš side by side with profound insights into yoga by Květoslav Minařík, the legend of the 20th century mysticism from former Czechoslovakia, and an interview with a contemporary French-Polish Zen master Sandó Kaisen – all published for the first time here. The mosaic of the first issue is, at the same time, completed with three inspiring studies, one of which is written by Monika Zaviš, Rebekah Ralbovská and Renata Knezović, the other one by Sabína Gáliková Tolnaiová along with Slavomír Gálik, and finally, last but not least, the one by Adrián Slavkovský OP. We have started the Spirituality Studies journal as an enthusiasts’ project. It wouldn’t be possible without the generous contribution of the whole team, but in particular MartinHynek, a graphic designer who has designed our web page, andMilan Špak, an artist and photographer who has kindly provided us with his photographs. As an international and interspiritual editorial team we stand firm in our commitment to deliver to you the top quality of studies, articles, educational materials and information related to spirituality for free. On the other hand, we depend on your kind attention as a reader, and, if you will, on your gracious financial support as a benefactor. To help us keep going on with the Spirituality Studies as an open access journal, non-profit project, please, stay with us. Cordially Martin Dojčár editor-in-chief Spirituality Studies 1 (1) Spring 2015 1