enced. It has to be clarified in the mind, felt in the heart and tried out in practice by hand. Somebody with disconnected thinking, feelingandwillisopentomanipulationandvulnerable. Hemay divorce theory frompractice, practice from morality, morality from reason. He is not able to discern right from wrong in the multitude of alternatives and shall succumb to the pressures and temptations surrounding him: to experts, prophets, and celebrities. If one of the three faculties takes precedence within him, he will try to navigate his way according to that. Alas, because of a lack of integrity, he will be duped by false intellectualism instead of true wisdom; religious sentiment will cast a spell over him instead of true faith; and he will become immersed in a destructive economic sphere, instead of constructive creativity. Democracy is a social order that presupposes the freedom of individualities – and individuation comes through the integration of personality. This ideal of integral humanity has been embodied in old pictorial wisdom as solar heroes or sun deities. Their opposing power then was called the solar or midday demon. This demon acts through another three demons (evil inclinations), who are seemingly quarrelling but in fact contribute to a single goal: to prevent the birth and liberation of spiritual man. The first of them is the brilliant, but coldhearted and morally indifferent intellect. The second is represented by pleasurable sensations that do not involve any idea and contain no deeds. The third is the temptation of power, unbound by human compassion and judgment. These three dark currents within the soul act within the three spheres of society and institutions by isolating and misusing them. Similarly, the human body is threefold. Sensory and nervous system activity is concentrated in the head; the rhythmic system of breathing and blood circulation is centered in the chest; and the motor-metabolic system is located chiefly in the belly and limbs. These three parts of the body support the three aspects of the soul: thinking, feeling and will. They correspond roughly with three groups of organs evolving from three embryonic layers (ecto-, meso- and endoderm). Three constitutional types (asthenic, athletic, pyknic) accrue from a slight predominance of one or another system. All three are interwoven into one organism, but each one acts in his place through his own proper way. Health is a correct balance of all three. Disease arises from disturbing this balance. The organic integration of scientific, artistic andreligiouselementsdenotesmental health. And the organic threefoldness of the cultural, political and economic sphere denotes a healthy society. 5 The Slavonic science of the Štúr group It is little known that Slovak revivalists led by Ľudovít Štúr also intended to develop a distinctive Slavonic science. The first issue of the journal Slovenské pohľady begins with a programmatic article about Slavonic science written by Jozef Miloslav Hurban. In the first sentence, he characterizes it as follows: “Science is a clear and lucid awareness of what is in us and around us, in spirit and in Spirituality Studies 1 (1) Spring 2015 49 (13)