the brain hemispheres at that time because their functional specialization was still unknown (Sorokin 1962). Sorokin also learned that cultures informed one-sidedly by either one of the systems of truth cease to be prolific and stagnate. The most creative and wonderful periods in time came about during transitions from one system of truth to the other when both systems were respected as equipollent and mankind attempted to synthesize them. That was the most significant conclusion made by Sorokin. Sperry came to the same conclusion as a result of his own research: individuals who rely predominantly on one of the two hemispheres are not successful because they founder in situations requiring the skills of the opposite hemisphere. The most successful individuals can develop and employ both hemispheres simultaneously and flexibly. Sorokin as well as Sperry spoke about one and the same thing as the Indian sage Goraknath in the 11th century or the Dominican saint Albert the Great in the 13th century did. Whoever succeeds in bringing ida and pingala into equilibrium shall experience enlightenment. Whoever accomplishes the alchemical wedding of Sol and Luna obtains the philosophers’ stone. Dreaming is an introspective experience experienced by everyone. Do dreams mean something? Neither humans nor animals can live without the dreaming phase (REM) of sleep. Yet the purpose of dreams is Figure 2. Periodogram of dreams and night visions mentioned in the Bible. There are 27 dreams and night visions mentioned in the Bible (according to Catholic Encyclopedia and Jewish Encyclopedia). Nocturnal apparitions to the patriarchs returned every 500 years. Significant period lengths between 500 and 530 years (red line) surpass the threshold of statistical significance (grey line). The angel of dreams, Gabriel appeared once every 500 years. Figure 1. Chronogram of dreams and night visions mentioned in the Bible (blue line). There are 27 dreams and night visions mentioned in the Bible (according to Catholic Encyclopedia and Jewish Encyclopedia). Nocturnal apparitions to the patriarchs returned every 500 years. There is a statistically significant periodicity of slightly more than 500 years (grey line) culminating around the years 1550, 1050, 550 and 50 B. C. E. The odds of pure chance are less than 1 to 100 000. The angel of dreams, Gabriel appeared once every 500 years. Spirituality Studies 1 (1) Spring 2015 57 (21)