is not a controlling program and that causation is bi-directional. The body as a whole makes decisions and chooses which genes are expressed or put to sleep. Sleeping genes are marked by methyl groups or otherwise. It is not only the genome that causes man, but man also regulates his own genome. He can pass a modified genome on to his descendants. But all of us who drew attention to this fact were persecuted as Lamarckists up until recently. Departure from the official version was sufficient proof that we were wrong. However, what we were saying derived fromexperience and science committed a methodological mistake: it departed from the whole and completely ignored the one dimension of reality (moral intuition and religious experience). Thereby, two seemingly equipollent alternatives arose in regard to how to interpret sensory observations. Scientists chose the materially aligned alternative. This choice was not scientific – it followed neither from observations nor from rational reasoning. It was a subconscious suggestion. However, there is an intelligent intent manifested within these and other suggestions, in spite of their subconscious nature. Apparently, our moral weaknesses are intertwined with what we are used to assuming is the truth. It was after all very pleasant to Aryanize and seize the assets of the Jew (whose genes can no longer be improved). To inform a patient that his disease is rooted in his unalterable genetics means acquiring a lifelong customer in need of medicaments who will no longer search for a path to recovery. In short, our science is godless, non-Christian and often co-inspired by demons; in this case, by the demons of mechanicism and reductionism. The same situation holds sway in the historical and social sciences. If we were to delve into ourselves and discover our inner worlds, the layers of the collective sub- and supraconscious with their laws and archetypes – we would grasp and understand the motive forces of history from within. Self-knowledge would give us the key to the hidden causes of history. If I delve into the adolescent frame of mind, I will soon make sense of mesozoic nature as well as the whole spirit of the 13th century. Why cathedrals were strewn with stained glass rosettes reminiscent of peacock tails, etherealized and hovering above the ground. Why Europe was crisscrossed by troubadours extolling love in their poems. Why one’s outer appearance started to be so important, and why male and female fashion diversified so conspicuously. Why people dressed like birds – wearing high headdresses, long trains, winged sleeves, colored tassels and bells. The culmination of revolutionary events can be naturally understood from an adolescent frame of mind revolting against the authorities. I can also guess why during periods charged by such erotic intensity people regularly took an interest in the sciences based on polarity – electromagnetism and chemistry. Knowing that passion and sex hormones terminate growth and weaken the immune system, I can see why people at that time were short and stricken by epidemics. The golden age of mysticism and heraldry – all that begins to make sense in this light. The Gothic Age was the puberty Spirituality Studies 1 (1) Spring 2015 65 (29)