The residual 53% are unknown factors. Great walls arise when external events (raids) meet an inner reality (a compulsive psychological structure). By no means does the construction of a wall logically follow from raids alone. Heroic people like the Aztecs, who respected bravery in hand-to-hand combat as the highest value, would deem it appropriate to attack, while skulking cowardly behind a wall would not occur to them even in a dream. The emperor mentions raids explicitly because that was the immediate, new, external stimulus. He did not speak about the disposition of the Chinese character because that is unconscious and automatic. It can, however, be inferred from the Chinese way of life, but it does not need to be expressed explicitly. The deep, implicit structural cause thus drops out of the written document. Every historical event has both of these two dimensions – the outer and the inner. As the historian is not able to systematically grasp this inner dimension and work with it, he focuses chiefly on the outward aspect of events – and the inner halves of world events are therefore assumed more or less subliminally and arbitrarily. In light of integral sophiology, such historiography is not a science, but rather a half-science. Let us take the menhir as a final example. The menhir is a prehistoric, erected stone about which virtually nothing is known. It is more difficult to date than anything else. We have no information about the faith and social structure of the peoplewho erected them. Outer information is completely lacking and menhirs stand here like a Rorschach figure subject to the projection of manifold concepts. It has been said that menhirs were funerary steles and part of ancestor worship. But there are no graves beneath menhirs, so this was only a projection of known burial customs that came much later. Any Freudian has an explanation at hand – it is a phallic symbol (along with all other elongated objects in the world). It is a fertility cult. Other conjectures say that a menhir indicated ritual sacrificial sites; that it was a territorial boundary-stone; a prestigious symbol of the mighty and wealthy; it could serve as a calendar or for orientation purposes as a beacon. But there is no evidence for any of these hypotheses that would enable us to judge between them. So what to do about it? Myths around the globe speak of the creation of man by solar powers. They endowed us with a spiritual spark that made us erect and capable of thinking, self-reflection and moral judgment. The solar gods personify truth, wisdom, and the light of knowledge. According to angelology, Michael, the leader of the solar powers, becomes the major spirit of time every 2500 years. This is intersubjective knowledge because Indians discovered it independently. Buddha, the Awakened or Enlightened One, is identified with the Sun by the Indians. And Gautama Buddha himself says that he is neither the first nor the last Buddha, but Buddhas appear every 25 centuries in those very periods known in Christianity as the time of the Sun archangel, Michael. By an inner law, rectilinear, upright, radial forms pertain to the Michaelic state of the soul. First, we experience knowledge as an inner light. Second, we know by intuition that the power that makes us erect has to Spirituality Studies 1 (1) Spring 2015 69 (33)