will weaken, tumors will appear and I will die. If I take away the vision from a community, it will decay morally and disintegrate; eventually every member will lose every advantage that was provided through cooperation. The integrality of education goes hand in hand with the birth of independent individuality and creativity. We have entered a knowledge-based society where the main asset guaranteeing the future is the creative potential of man. The fact that the creativity of great individuals strongly correlates to their versatility is part of the fundamental knowledge of historiometry (Kaufman and Sternberg 2010, 176). Versatile people retain their freshness, interest and developmental capability longer. The promotion of child prodigies and their specialization from an early age is a quite mistaken practice because these children will collapse mentally once they become adults. Versatility has a fertile future, while specialization is the final terminus of evolution. This law applies to the individual and society, as well as nature. Highly specialized animal species succeed in a certain environment, but they are incapable of further development and will soon become extinct. Less specialized species that have retained a more versatile physique are the bearers of future evolution. The same thing applies to nations at the level of the soul. Some nations have achieved extraordinary success by dint of pronounced special faculties, but have therefore also grown old and petrified. Younger, more docile nations outpace them. We are talking about education for independent judgment, but which is slowly ceasing to be possible in our system of truth. Namely, we believe that the specialist holds the truth. Small groups of experts understand ever smaller parts of the world. In the end, it holds that no particular thing can be judged by the overwhelming majority of people and the whole can not be judged by anyone at all. Moreover, these experts constantly make mistakes, contradict each other and succumb to corruption. It is necessary to take a different view of the truth. A specialist does not bear the truth, but merely some partial information torn from the whole. The truth is something entirely different – it is a viable synthesis. The truth must be won and earned by every layman in his own effort to arrive at a responsible and meaningful synthesis of particulars. Only through this effort is an independent ability to orientate oneself born, as well as an intuition that indicates when the recommendations of experts are biased and there is therefore no need to follow them. Let us not steer our children away from intuition, but rather let us cultivate and strengthen it, for a man who acts upon external information only and sets himself no goals from within is a vane in the winds of advertisements and propaganda. To this day, the worduniversity resounds with the ideal of universality that the founders of universities in the High Middle Ages believed in. Our education is being Americanized and is distancing itself from this goal. We are educating a single-purpose Fordian man whose task is merely to take over and carry out instructions, not to understand or discover something independently. He becomes spiritually non-self-governing, manipulable and dependent. He cannot be morally responsible for anything. Along with universalSpirituality Studies 1 (1) Spring 2015 73 (37)