Editorial 1
Revision and re-enchantment of the legacy of psychology from a half century of consciousness research 3
1 Modern consciousness research and the dawning of a new paradigm 4
2 Holotropic states of consciousness 5
3 Holotropic states of consciousness and the spiritual history of humanity 6
4 Holotropic states of consciousness and modern psychiatry 7
5 Psychology of the future 8
5.1 The nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter 10
5.2 New cartography of the human psyche 13
5.3 The nature, function, and architecture of emotional and psychosomatic disorders 17
5.4 Effective therapeutic mechanisms 19
5.5 Strategy of psychotherapy and selfexploration 20
5.6 The role of spirituality in human life 25
5.7 The importance of archetypal astrology for psychology 28
References 32
About the author 35
Sophiology as an example of integral science and education in the slavonic tradition 37
1 Ethics within the edifice of knowledge 38
2 Three sources of knowledge 41
3 Pansophia of Comenius 43
4 Solovyov and sophiology 46
5 The Slavonic science of the Štúr group 49
6 Does introspective knowledge exist? 55
7 Incentives for pedagogy 70
About the author 75
On yoga in general 77
1 Yoga 77
2 Yogic practice 82
3 Yoga and intellect 85
4 Yoga for everyone 87
5 Conclusion 88
Acknowledgement 89
References 89
About the author 89
There is nothing to limit our freedom 91
About the author 96
A Comparison of spiritual traditions in the context of the universality of mysticism 97
1 Introduction 97
2 Several methodological ideas on comparing mysticism 98
3 Comparison of the chakra system 100
4 Theresa’s mansions as a system of chakras? 103
5 Conclusion 109
References 110
About the authors 111
The holy and dirty money of faith: shapes of religion in contemporary society 113
1 Globalization and secularization 113
2 Institutionalization of faith 114
3 Consequences of social control 114
4 Reasons and consequences of secularization 115
5 Freedom and responsibility 116
6 Contrasting expressions of faith 116
7 The ambiguity of own and alien 117
8 Sensitivity towards the strangeness of the strang 118
9 Experience of the Holy 118
10 Distinguishing positive and negative aspect of religion 119
11 New way of life 119
Acknowledgement 120
References 120
About the author 121
Multiculturalism in health care concerning judaism and holocaust issues 123
1 Introduction 124
2 Present state of a subject and analysis of interest 124
3 Methodology 127
4 Research outcomes 127
5 Discussion and developing policy context 133
6 Conclusion 133
References 134
About the authors 135
About Spirituality Studies 136