der. When this is achieved, a person has gained a great benefit, because, it is precisely the wandering mind that is the cause of the inner conflicts and big difficulties which one encounters in their life. A wandering mind causes one to forget what should not be forgotten and to speculate, not only unrealistically and without success, but even in a way which gives rise to damage by means of various flaws in behaviour; it causes that things, which could be useful, escape the person’s attention and that this even causes a lot of inner suffering, whose basis is inner chaos. However, even though we know that the overcoming of the wandering of mind can be the basis of successes in the usual life, still we do not pursue this goal by it. We are adhering to the intentions of the mystical teaching which has in mind, in the first place, an improvement of the subjective state of a person – creation of his or her inner peace and, in the second place, the mystical knowledge which lies beyond the border of all usual life and emotional experience. Between these two poles, one finds also, all that which can make their life successful. Thus, from the beginning of the mystical training, when one begins to strive for the holding back of the functions of the ever-oscillating mind, all the way to the results which are apparently mystical, they gain a lot of the so-called good which relates to the outer things of their living. Due to all this, mysticism is a teaching, which leads a person predominantly and all the time on the ground. It never leads them through the sphere of illusions, where live the fantasists and the seemingly mystical poets and in general everyone whose thinking, reasoning, feelings and view of life reflects their extravagant inner disposition, their idealism and ecstasiness. However, we must complete our talk about concentration. We correctly sense that mysticism has its goal somewhere in the transcendental sphere. It allows its followers to penetrate into it precisely by concentration. However, this only happens after the wandering of mind was overcome and when the mind has got used to a calm and factual observation of, and thinking about, everything that surrounds a person and belongs to their surrounding world. Only then it recommends using concentration of mind which, by means of the degree of its intensity, becomes a tool for penetration into the world of the physical qualities. According to the mystical teaching this means to penetrate into the world of forces which is, in another conception, the causal world in relation to everything which exists and is in the world. What does this mean in practice? When the mind has become accustomed to be calm and non-wandering, a person should devote themselves to its concentration. But, no matter which means to determine the aids for its concentration are used, the aim is always for it to penetrate beyond the borderline of all natural phenomena, in particular in the qualitative conception of this matter. A thorough awareness of oneself during this work with the mind is supposed to create a bridge for the consciousness; the latter one is required to, at all times, register the place and state of the mind without losing from its attention the “I” in the form of an idea of “I”. After this has been achieved, a person is well prepared for the stay on the borderline of two worlds, Spirituality Studies 1 (2) Fall 2015 41 (9)