The only real path to real Knowledge and comprehension is to fully subject oneself to – and to accept God’s will. To subject yourself, give your “free” will to God. I accept the fact that I am only a miniscule part of the infinite non-personal Consciousness. This is one way – jñāna. The other way is bhakti: “O God, I am nothing, you are all.” Do what You want through me – this is the ultimate submission to the Will of God. But if you pray for something, then it is only a conditional submission. It is more of a bargaining with God: “O Lord, I now pray to you, but you have to do for me this or that.” Thus this would be a bargaining, not submission. Only a full submission would create the conditions for real inner wisdom to happen. It looks as if this would be the easiest thing to do, but it is the most difficult one. It is not easy. But for whom is it not easy? Geza, understand please what I want to say: God does everything. Why should I even to want something? Why should I want to get the ultimate knowledge? If the ultimate realization is to happen, surely it will happen. The best thing I can do is to walk through life and to accept all that it brings to me, to be grateful to God for all the good that I have, for the favourable conditions that were given by Him and which others – for example in Ethiopia – do not have. Indeed I can say: “O God, you gave me life, you gave me a certain role to play, and I simply accept this role, and I play it, and move within the given limits. You placed me into certain conditions, relationships and situations. And I live within these limits in a way, which this frame enables me to live.” Everyone of us plays, and has to play a role. If we accept this role as the will of God, then there is no real problem. Life becomes simple. I do not say that it becomes easier. Every life contains a number of difficulties and usual problems. Nevertheless, it becomes simple inasmuch I will understand that I cannot do anything else than to float along the flow of life. If I am able to live in this way, the mind is unable to create problems. How does the mind create problems? There is a certain situation. The mind starts creating problem within this situation. The situation itself allows one to pass through it the best way possible. Then there is no problem. Really, it is only the mind that can make the situation worse. Yes, in a way it is certainly easier, as the mind creates a lot of unnecessary problems. There has been a research project in this direction. The results have shown that 93% of all worries that we have, never materialize. 93%! If we accept the will of God and tell to ourselves: “O Lord, do what you consider fit to do,” then try to imagine the amount of energy you save. 93% of mental energy is consumed for forming imaginary problems. Only 7% of our worries will materialize. Let them happen. What if they happen? We will solve them. When the problem appears, we will start seeking a solution. But why should we create non-existing problems in our mind? What is the principle of creating problems in our mind? It is drawing something from the past and projecting it to the future. Problems in the mind relate only to the future. The present moment does not contain many problems. All the problems 58 (4) Gejza M. Timčák