The Society for Spirituality Studies (SSS) is an independent NGO devoted to promoting theoretical and experiential research in spirituality. SSS fosters the awareness of the importance of spirituality for personal, interpersonal as well as social well-being. It facilitates interspiritual, interreligious, and intercultural understanding through dialogue and exchange of scholarly achievements in research of various spiritual traditions. One of its major goals is to publish the Spirituality Studies as an online, open access journal. Membership is available both to individuals and institutions. Address The Society for Spirituality Studies Legal Representative Martin Dojčár Pekinská 17 040 13 Košice Slovakia Account number IBAN SK8683300000002900766182 IČO 42407061 E-mail editor@spirituality-studies.org Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique/ Monastic Interreligious Dialogue www.dimmid.org European Union of Yoga www.yogaeurop.com There are no submission or publishing charges for authors. However, please consider donating to support continual publishing of Spirituality Studies as an open access journal for free. Your donation will be used for financing running the journal. Thank you for your kind support! Publisher Partners Donate About Spirituality Studies