3 2 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 2 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 6 Askesis and Politics: A Preliminary Look at the Impact of Christian Spiritual Practices on One’s Political Outlook Received May 17, 2016 Revised July 15, 2016 Accepted July 28, 2016 Is Christian spirituality systematically associated with patterns in people’s political attitudes and worldview? Are spiritually active Christians predominantly conservative or liberal? If so, does this imply anything about the correctness of their political views? Is greater spiritual involvement associated with a friendlier disposition towards those with whom one otherwise strongly disagrees on social and political matters? In my review of the Orthodox spiritual literature, as well as my survey analysis of Orthodox Christians throughout the United States, I make a preliminary effort to address these and other questions. I point to the importance of transcending the liberal-conservative ideological dichotomy when studying Christians’ political outlooks. Communitarians, in particular, merit greater attention, given their apparently large size and high level of spiritual commitment. I also presents findings that suggest that spiritual commitment can result in friendlier attitudes towards those viewed as sociopolitical threats. Key words Spirituality, orthodoxy, ideology, tolerance Amir Azarvan