S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 1 7 1 5 Thomas Crowther imperfect is not only made non-existent, but remains forever outside the scope of possibility – a “signature” in the Omniversal Potential and never anything more. True perfection – “Edenic Perfection”– thus represents a condition where the Universal Design has been embraced to such an extent that the design itself no longer seems to exist, for there is no more a need to create, control, eliminate, or prevent; the struggle of creation has already been won. Perfection lies at the heart of the Universal Design. However, as humanity is dependent on modular thought, we are forced to define perfection before we can ultimately work to create it, and to do that we must first forge criteria; that is, we must define what is necessary for perfection’s creation before we can relegate everything outside of our selected criteria (i.e. the imperfect) onto the heap of defective culture. The pursuit of perfection is thereby imbued with a sense of singularity, restriction and power; employing the Universal Design to remove identified “weak links”, and thereby acting as a limewash over the greater part of human potential. That said, perfection in its fullest and truest form as described above (Edenic Perfection) has never been accomplished – or even approached – because dissidence against criteria has always remained within the spectrum of human possibility. What I mean is that perfection represents a state of creation that has become unchangeable and equilibrious, whereas society and its individuals have always remained capable of change. To even conceive of such a state, let alone begin creating it, I can only assume that one would first require an absolute understanding and control of reality so as to be able to funnel its desired elements into a state of said perfection, and then, to forever discard the imperfect. We can perhaps see the conception of such an enterprise in the intensely modular nature of scientific thought, which dogmatically seeks a single objective view of the world and demands of us a full understanding regarding the structure of “reality”. To do that, science necessitates a full acceptance of the Universal Design; utilising it to define the nature of “truth” and force the scope of perceived reality into bounded mental spaces so as to comprehend it. Indeed, it is clear that “science”, as a philosophy of objective reasoning and observation, aims to attain a hold on “truth”. It can’t be denied that with its vast catalogue of modular thoughts, it has marched across the globe with all the arrogance of an imperial goliath, and for centuries now it has preached itself to be truth’s master – its attainer as it were. And as the driving force of modernity, our foremost social ideal has thus come to be that of attainment; representing a general move to discard the unobtainable, mistruth, and those who do not (or cannot) attain; to mark them out as weak links in the chains of culture. It is conceivable that through this method of modulating, understanding and potentially controlling reality that humanity shall edge closer to perceiving what “perfection” may constitute; that is, closer to creating a kind of “Eden”– a perfect, but selected ideal of independent creations. But in discarding that which weakens the whole (i.e. the theoretical imperfect), such an aspiration justifies the will to power, and as a result, the control and direction of truth itself. It demonstrates how “perfection” (and the Universal Design behind this goal) seeks to limit the possibility of creation in line with a designed view on the universe. Eve had sought something else however; something which rallies against and even seeks to transcend the Universal Design – Omniversal Liberty; that unimaginable state where every creation becomes possible, where every creation is connected, and where perfection itself has become redundant. 4 The Asperian Design Through science and through modulation, we divide up the universe. But within us, a remnant of Eden remains aware of union. Opposing the divisive nature of the Universal Design, it intends each element of creation to be linked to the rest. This quality, descended from Eve, is what I define as the “Asperian Design”, and represents nothing less than our instinctual move towards the origin of creation, towards that which lies behind perceived reality, behind our thoughts which attempt to bind it, and most importantly, towards that which transcends that instinctual feature of the Universal Design – our will to power. Found within the subconscious core of many ideologies, religious and secular, the Asperian Design can seem difficult to grasp. This is not because it is elusive per se, but because the Universal Design is always present in the foreground, mask-