1 8 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 1 7 5 Conclusion: The Scattered Seeds of Eden “Power”, defying definition and evoking a complex web of images and ideas, is a key concept of life. I have suggested its root to lie within a Universal Design; the ability for all things to create, dominate, destroy and prevent the existence of other creations. Ushering in a modular state of reality, the human mind is likewise predisposed to make modular judgements upon it. But the mind (the only part of the divine humanity holds onto) is tortured by the prospect that it is a victim of this design – for what deity wouldn’t fear the prospect of its own death? It is this, that our lives can be created, dominated, destroyed and prevented, which compels us to become masters rather than victims of the Universal Design. This is where the idea of perfection becomes pertinent. A goal uniquely pursued by humanity, perfection is that state where creations no longer need to follow the rules of the Universal Design; where the elements of the universe have been re-ordered in such a way that reality becomes unchangeable, equilibrious and eternal, as in Eden. But one needs to use the tools of the Universal Design to achieve that; to make the imperfect not only non-existent, but to forever remain outside the scope of possibility. That requires the mind’s gradual modulation of the universe so as to be able to construct a criterion of perfection; creating, controlling and enhancing elements we judge shall form it, while eliminating imperfections and preventing their re-emergence into reality. This remains the driving force of our age – the illumination, modulation and obtainment of “truth” and its employment in attaining perfection. Throughout this article however, I have implied modulation to be a human defect rather an advantage. our original sin as it were. This is because, whether trivial or mortal, each modular thought is instilled with the intrinsic power of the Universal Design as each one confines reality (or “truth”) into category. Forcing the scope of perceived reality into bounded mental spaces, modular thoughts constrain not only our own minds, but other’s too. As Rousseau so famously declared, man is born free and is everywhere in chains. Made up of the modular thoughts we create from birth until death, we are the ones who place those chains upon ourselves and upon others in the ironic hope of freeing ourselves from the Universal Design. But as this article has also suggested, there are two layers to reality, and the Universal Design habituates only one of them – the “lighted world” as revealed in Genesis; the reality we manipulate and re-order to our will; the universe of parts which inspires modular thought in the first instance. Behind this, and running parallel to it, I have suggested the existence of a darker reality. Instead of a chaotic primordiality though, I have represented it here as an endless series of intertwining signatures; single possibilities constantly being woven into others in the illuminated forefront of reality. What this shadow “universe” means is that every creation, rather than a distinct unit able to create, dominate, destroy and prevent, is at the same time a “ribbon” of signatures; a collection of interlinked possibilities linking each creation to all the others it interacts with. We ourselves are Ribbons of these possibilities, created and being created, connecting us to all we perceive and vice verse. Our ability to acknowledge this is what I have defined as the “Asperian Design”. The real question however, is whether we are able to transcend the modular mind and experience the kind of conscious connection with creation which Eve enjoyed – can we ultimately blur our own boundaries and become that which we perceive? This requires further discussion and will be examined in a later article. As one may imagine though, this kind of transcendental experience wouldn’t be easy, because much as we are blind in the dark, the modular mind is likewise blind to the darker reality hidden behind the lighted one. I should point out however, that though I have suggested the human mind to be fallible, as Eve feared and as Genesis implies, it remains one of the most brilliant things our universe can boast of, as I stated at the beginning. This isn’t because it can modulate and manipulate reality effectively, but because it may prove to be the one marvel that can acknowledge both the light and the dark. Indeed, though a product of a limited universe, bound by the Universal Design and inclined towards perfection, the mind also has the capacity to look into the omniversal Potential, gaze upon possibilities seemingly impossible in our universe, and reach out to create them. This means it can imagine that which lies beyond the lighted world, and as long as it can do that, the mind will rally against universal modulation and will deny it its much desired monopoly on “truth”. So in conclusion, maybe our exploration into the darkness will be more enlightening that we yet realise.