S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 1 7 2 1 Marek Wiesenganger 1 Introduction John Bosco (1815–1888) is a founder of the specific spiritual way, the so-called Salesian’s spirituality (Viganò 1995). This priest of the Catholic Church founded several religious orders and the inspiration of a wide movement of various clusters. The main mission of John Bosco’s life was the education of youngsters, especially the poorest ones (Saleziánska pastorácia mládeže 2014). The education wasn’t only just any social or relational activity for John Bosco. It was a principle, source and in the same time consequence of a spiritual experience. In general, it is possible to say, that through the education John Bosco experiencing God (Chavez 2014). In this paper, we examine the key story of John Bosco’s life. In this story merge two meaning of the education. The first one is education as activity and mission. The second one is education as an expression of the own spiritual experience. This story is archived inMemoirs of the Oratory. It is considered to be one of the most important autobiographical, spiritual, and pedagogical text of John Bosco (Giraudo 2011). John Bosco himself considered this story an interpretative key to his whole life. He named it simply “a dream”. About the author Marek Wiesenganger, PhD. (1980) is an assistant professor of ethics. His research interests are focused on philosophical reflection of culture, human dignity, and education. He is a member of the Central European Philosophy of Education Society (Czech Republic) and Towarzystwo Pedagogiki Filozoficznej (Poland). He is also a co-author of The Roads of Maturity, which provides an educational program for the youths in the spirit of Salesian spirituality. His email is lukochod@gmail.com.