2 4 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 1 7 3.4 The Apparition, Prophecy, and Mission We can see an analogy between the apparition of the man and the noble woman. In both cases, the figures are depicted in a typically religious way. But in either case, Johnny Bosco doesn’t recognize the identity of these two persons. Just as in the first apparition as well also here comes to two prophetic signs. Bothe is concerning the boys, who Johnny Bosco wanted to put to silence in the name of justice at the beginning. The boys are gradually changing into wild animals and then into the tame lambs. He repeatedly receives an educational mission whose objective is the inner conversion of the groups of the boys. The whole story is thus moving towards its fulfillment in the final scene. 3.5 Confusion and Promise (Commitment) The end of apparition creates two moments. The confusion coming from the misunderstanding of the identity of the woman, prophetic transformation of the boys as well as mission. The second moment is the promise that the understanding will come “in good time”. So, the whole story doesn’t finish by answering the questions but has an open ending. From this point of view, we can consider the whole story as a prophetic sign whose real God’s origin will be proved at the time. It is important the verity of the sign will be shown only through obedient submission to the mission, which was revealed in this story 4 Spiritual Life as an Education – Education as Spiritual Life According to John Bosco is it showing some essential features of the spiritual way in this story. Firstly, the story described by John Bosco joins two aspects of life, educational activity and creating a community with God. John Bosco has a promise that he will recognize the real identity of the noble man and woman. It will be possible only if he educates young by the way he was given by the man and woman. Between fulfilling the mission and recognizing God thus is the direct and essential dependence. John Bosco is meeting God amidst young. The conversion of the boys is an event where the God’s power and presence are revealed. That is why the acting of young has a deep prophetic sense. Their acting is revealing God. And this revelation is intended to be given to the boy Johnny. The story of “a dream” shows also other specific features of Salesian spiritual experience. Johnny is invited to cease such a relationship to God which is based on the strict compliance of orders. His relationship to God doesn’t have to be based on the duties and justice but on the glamorous beauty and gentleness. All in dream evokes the impression of surprising beauty: the noble man dressed in decent clothes with the shiny face, the noble woman who has the brilliant coat as a shiny star, the beauty of virtues to which he should teach the boys. This all is in the sharp contrast to the ugliness of beating boys, wild animals or the ugliness of the sin. The same for the education, which he gets as the mission, is not based on the curd commands. This concept of education caused his distancing to the world of youth. That means not a help but hurting. The education given to Johnny as the mission is aimed at the inner conversion, where the commands cannot penetrate. What are two virtues he should lead them to? So, the style Johnny Bosco educates such should they become: gentleness and love. The form of education is also its content. Note that educational mission also becomes the way of his personal spiritual conversion. The education by John Bosco becomes the space of permanent searching of God’s identity. His shiny presence has two sides: blinds and attracts at the same time. The apparition given to John Bosco is also a prophecy about himself. He should become such a noble man and noble woman. As it is seen, Johnny recognizes God as somebody absolutely new. It is God, who doesn’t command but he attracts via his presence and causes changes. This God is strange by the fact he advocates a boy and involves him in his activities. Thanks to that he recognizes not only the identity of youth but also himself. The education isn’t only the correction of deficiencies but mainly by finding such a way of life which enables to be a friend of God even his son – as the noble woman said. According to John, a personal spirituality is fulfilled by education. And at the same time, the education is the concrete way and thanks to it we can perceive God’s presence.