5 4 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 1 7 How Noble the Lord’s Prayer is Míla Tomášová Our Father, I am calling you with all my heart, with all my being, in the deepest meekness, in the deepest silence of my heart, in the deepest stillness of my mind’s reflections and images. You, who are in heaven, where no human reflection and agitation exists, I am calling you to hallow your name in our consciousness. You, who are nameless, all names are yours, since all is created only by You, and so every name and every form is Yours, being nothing but Your name. Only in our consciousness, seemingly separated and so darkened by our ignorance, we learned to discern Your creation as something separate from You and to consider Your eternal calm to be Your heaven, where we placed You in our imagination. Since we ourselves, by our own will, have seemingly separated from You and also from Your creation, to which we belong, we have distanced ourselves from You. And now I am calling You, our Father – not mine, but ours – the Essence and Primal Cause of everything, let me – and us – realize that we are one with You. Hallowed be Your name, so that we recognize that it is You. Your kingdom come, so that the Divine consciousness dissolves the delusion of separation of our individual consciousness from You. In full surrender of myself, in deepest meekness, with all my being, I yield to Your holy will, so that the Consciousness, which is not separate from You and Your creation, is as in heaven, so on Earth. Nurture our entire life with Your revealed holy presence as with your bread, and forgive us our trespasses of ignorance, since we too forgive our neighbors both their ignorance and our ignorance in them. And do not lead us into the temptation of a new separation from You, but deliver us from the evil of oblivion. Amen. RNDr. Míla Tomášová (1920–2001) was a Czech mystic and spiritual writer. In the book of essays and spiritual stories Beyond Time and Space the author portrays her spiritual experiences, experienced since her childhood, which gradually resulted into a permanent experience of Unity – God in everything. She worked professionally in the field of microbiology. After the fall of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia in 1989 she started to act publicly together with her husband JUDr. Eduard Tomáš. At the end of her life she wrote several spiritual books, either individually or together with her husband. NoteThe article is an extract from the bookBeyond Time and Space, published by Avatar in Czech under the title Za čas a prostor. Acknowledgement Published with the permission of Mr. Miloš Tomáš, the copyright owner.