S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 7 1 5 Gejza M. Timčák 1 Introduction Śrī chakra is a very specific geometric model of the life related processes present in the Creation. It is a part of the mysterious Śrī Vidyā– the science of creation (Veda Bharati 2011). Śrī chakra is an excellent example of sacred geometry, where the principles on the basis of which it is created, have many meta-dimensions. Śrī Vidyā is a science in the non-orthodox sense and it has apparent manifestations – like temple designs (Fig. 1). One can find related hidden cryptic information also in temple grounds (Fig. 2). Śrī Vidyā related philosophy is considered more present in South India, but has a universal appeal. About the author Doc. Ing. Gejza M. Timčák, PhD. (1942) is a yoga tutor and author of a number of yoga related books like Joga 1–4 in Slovak (6 editions), Joga 1–2 in Hungarian (2 editions), Yoga 1 in German (1 edition), Personal Development Strategies in Yoga, translation of the Gheranda Samhita, Goraksha Shatakam, Aparoksha Anubhuti, Sarva Upanishad, Satkarma Sangrahah or Shat Chakra Nirupanam. On conferences and courses he had countless presentations on diverse yoga subjects. He co-authored books (e.g. teaching materials for Slovak Yoga Association’s yoga teacher courses), films (e.g. Disregarded Possibilities), and videos (e.g. Hitting the Bull’s Eye) on yoga. He is a co-developer of the Savita Yoga style, president of the Slovak Yoga Association, and chairman of the Association for the Advancement of Yoga. His activities relate also to the European Union of Yoga. He teaches yoga in various European and Asian countries. His email contact is timcak.gejza@atk.sk.