1 8 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 7 Ability to desire – "materialize things" Question of staying with the feeling of indignation Ability to become light Trikonāsana Ardha Chandrāsana Hamsāsana siddhi Ruru siddhi am ám sauh am ám sauh am ám sauh Tab. 1. The āsana part of the Śrī chakra sādhanā. The first line represents the selected Guardian induced mood or mental process, the second the āsana name, the third the image of the āsana, the fourth the Guardian or principle, and the fifth the mantra of the given level ("enclosure"). There are 55 āsanas for this practice (Photographs Timčáket al. 2003). It has to be noted, that it is important to see how we reacted to some Guardian induced mood or mental process. This is because even in case of benign inspiration towards merit, what matters is, whether we do it naturally, or we feel "great", as someone who is a bit better than those, who did not do a good deed. If such tendency is discovered, then one has to learn to dissociate from such impulses through using the appropriate mantra. After the āsana, comes the second part, which is meditative. One can visualize oneself as if placing oneself on the basic square of the Śrī chakra shown in Fig. 4 and align oneself with the center of the Śrī chakra. This is a classical projection that indicates our intention to merge into our Source, or into the "Universal Mother". This is in tune with the Indian Vedic tradition of identification with the Principle which will be aimed at in the subsequent meditation. In the sādhanā, mantras have an important role. As shown by Alper (2012), mantras may not be effective right from its first use. But by every use, one will get to a point, when they suddenly open their energies to us and allow the Realization to happen. In the Laksmi Tantra (39:35) it is said: "The meditated repetition of a mantra is for achieving success in every endeavour." Mantras are a key element of this training and so it is important to say that they represent a vocal, vibrational and rhythmic code of internal experience discovered usually by ancient yogis. They may be as short as a syllable or long as a verse. Their correct recitation evokes the same experience the code of which they are. In the Śrī chakra sādhanā usually onlybīja ("seed") mantras are used and they differ for every level. Before starting Śrī chakra sādhanā, it is beneficial to practice the Śrī Vidya Gayatri for the period of several weeks to prepare the mind for the sādhanā (Sedláček 2015). Aim Tripuradevi vidmahe Klīm Kameshvarī cha dhīmahi Sauh tanno klinnā prachodayat. The bīja mantras do not have translation, and convey the respective energies of the Śrī (Śakti) in an undiluted form. It is important though that their recitation follows the ancient tradition. Therefore, they were worked into a recorded rendition (Sedláček and Timčák 2017). At this resource, a detailed guide for the sādhanā is also given. To have an overview of the areas covered by the Śrī chakra sādhanā, the basic data on the nine levels are listed below. The first level: "Deluder of the three realms" (Trailokyamohana) Chakra: there is no chakra associated to this level. Key mantra: OmAm ām sauh. For the relevant part of the Śrī chakra see Fig. 5. The three realms mentioned in the name of this level are perceived as the underworld, material world and spiritual world. The relevant part of the Śrī chakra represents a square with four gates surrounded by lines. They represent the three groups of Guardian principles already given above. The second level: "Fulfiller of all hopes" (Sarvāśāparipūraka) Chakra: Mūlādhāra. Key mantra: Aim klīm sauh. This level is symbolized by a lotus flower of sixteen petals. Below the lotus there are three circles. These three circles are protecting symbols. This level is associated with the concept of chakras. The chakras are energy and information distribution centers. There are also sixteen associated guardian principles here. These Guardians are considered "hidden" (they seem to be a part of us and of our life processes) and are testing one by: