2 0 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 7 ordinary life they are to be expressed through our life and if used properly, we can see their impact. Gāndhārī is one of the nādīs said to be behind the idā nādī, terminating near the left eye, regulating the function of sight. The eye is the means how we monitor and in a way control processes that happen around us. Hastijihvā is located in front of the idā nādī, terminating near the right eye, regulating the function of sight, seeing. The world as we see it is a delusion as the version of outer world presented through the sight is produced by our mental software and does not really correspond to the reality. Yasashvini nādī (before pingala, between gāndhārī and sarasvatī) ends in the left ear and starts at the left big toe. The impulse to arrest/restrict may them from the reactions to heard information. Pūsā nādī is situated behind pingala, terminating at the right ear. Its function is hearing. The ability to delight all may come from the skill to translate that what was heard to a constructive and positive form. Alambushā connects the mouth and kanda (its functions are given in the text above). Kuhū is one of the nādīs that is located in front of the susumnā. Its function is to evacuate. Thus, "chaser of all" means also that there may be in us a drive to express excessively. Śānkhinī terminates at the genital organs and is situated between gāndhārī and sarasvatī. It carries the essence of food. Thus it may express also the will to charm ("madden") the opposite gender. Sarasvatī nādī which is behind the susumnā, terminates at the tongue, controlling speech and keeping the abdominal organs free from disease. Accomplishing of all objects could be related to speech and health. Payasvinī is one of the nādīs starting at right ear that terminates at the right big toe. Releasing all could mean the ability to relax from reactions to information that was heard. Visvodarā nādī has a function related to absorption of food. Its position is between hastijihvā and kuhū. It is linked with the functions of stomach. If the digestion is in a good shape, then we tend to have a nice, attractive complexion. Varunā nādī is in between yasashvini and kuhū, pervading all areas above and belowKundalinī. It seems to be related to functions of organs in the lower abdomen. Varunā nādī infuses energy to the large intestine, colon, rectum, and anus. The proper function of the lower part of the digestive tract is vital for health and attractive mental expression. Fig. 6. The system of nādīs that infiltrate the annamaya kośa fromprānāyāma kośa and secure the flow of vital energy (prāna) and information needed for proper function of the human system. The course of nādīs is described in various ancient scriptures like the Shandilya Upanishad, Chhandogya Upanishad, Goraksha Shatakam, etc. (Frowleyet al. 2003, Dzsohari 1993, Motoyama 2016). Motoyama did extensive research to discover, whether the Chinese meridians and the nādīs have common functional pattern, but the results were not sufficient to verify this hypothesis. The Guardian principles –nādīs – are associated with the kośas– functional systems merged one into another as defined by the yogic "anatomy". They are the annamaya (physical body), prānāyāma (energy management system, where the nādīs take the energy and information), manomaya (discursive mind), vigyananamaya (higher mind responsible for decisions), ānandamaya (the basic feeling of joy and transcendental happiness).