S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 7 2 1 Gejza M. Timčák The fifth level: "Accomplisher of all objects" (Sarvārthasādhaka) Chakra: Viśuddha. Key mantra: Om hsaim hsklīm hsauh. The set of triangular "spikes" associated with this level of the Śrī chakra are ten in number. This level, termed as the accomplishment of all the objects, has Guardians that are helpful to the practitioner and the challenge is more in the area of right choice from the possible achievements and supports. The areas of influence of the ten Guardians are characterized as (1) ensuring all attainments; (2) bestowing all wealth; (3) doing only the most desirable; (4) bringing all the good things; (5) fulfilling all the desires; (6) removing all the sufferings; (7) counteracting all signs of approaching death; (8) overcoming all obstacles; (9) giving beauty of all limbs; (10) granting full prosperity. They are associated also with the ten prāna types (prāna, āpana, udāna, samāna, vyāna, nāga, kurma, krkala, devadatta, dhānanjaya). The ten prānas are process supportive energies responsible for intake (on physical and mental level), output, directing energies upward, assimilation and circulation. The minor prānas regulate shutting/wetting the eye, hunger and thirst, sneezing/coughing, sleep, hiccup and post-mortem energy transfers. The prānas are the vehicles through which we can live with our attainments, wealth, etc. The sixth level: "Protector of all" (Sarvarakshákara) Chakra: Bhrūmadhya. Key mantra: Hrīm klīm blém. The sixth level of Śrī chakra is called as "The protector of all" and the ten Guardian principles have their competences termed accordingly. The energies at this level of the 3D Śrī chakra are emanating through ten triangular "spikes". They represent the power of "vital fire". Within the body, they represent the processes that are needed for protecting the life of the individual. The Guardian principles (within the body and related also to digestion) are called (1) knowing all (Sarvajnā); (2) bestowing all powers (Sarvaśakti pradā); (3) bestowing all wealth (Sarvaiśvaryapradā); (4) full of all-knowledge (Sarva jñāna mayi); (5) undoing all diseases (Sarva vyadhi vinaśinī); (6) supporting all things (Sarvādhāra svarūpa); (7) dispelling all misery (Sarva pāpa harā); (8) bringing all bliss (Sarva ānanda mayi); (9) protecting all beings (Sarva rakshā svarúpinī); (10) granting the fruits of all desires (Sarvepsita phala pradā). The seventh level: "Remover of all diseases" (Sarvarogaharā) Chakra: Lalata (forehead). Key mantra: Om hrīm śrīm sauh. This level of the Śrī chakra is represented by eight triangular "spikes". The eight "spikes" represent the eight fundamental motives, perceptions and its associates. The Guarding principles and their links: The ailments to be removed can be biological, but in Vedanta, the cycle of transmigration itself is called an ailment. The Śrī makes one to cross easily the sea of phenomenal existence, its ups and downs. The eight Guarding principles at this level are devoted to perceptions regarding which one should develop mastery/tolerance: urge to subjugate linked to śīta, "cold"; urge to master the desires linked to uśna, "heat"; urge to cause confusion or happiness linked to sukha, "happiness"; urge to purify linked to dukkha, "pain"; urge to attain Śivahood (identity with Absolute Being) linked to iccha, "desire"; urge to conquer linked to sattva, "insight"; urge to lord over all linked to rajas, "activity"; urge to stay in a family linked to tamas, "inertia", "stability". The eights level: "Bestower of all attainments" (Sarvasiddhi-pradā) Chakra: Sahasrāra. Key mantra: OmHsraim hsklrīm hsrauh. The eighth enclosure is represented by one triangle. Here the Śrī principle is called Kāmakala, the personification of fulfilment. She signifies the desire of Īśvara ("The Lord") for cosmic creation. The associated Guardian principles are related to processes of creation, upkeeping and dissolution of the universe: Moon – Vāma (projection) – Brahma (creation), the unmanifested aspect of prakrti; Sun – Jyēstha–Visnu (power to preserve the creation), Mahat (here a high level of consciousness); Fire (Agni) – Raudrī – Rudra’s power to dissolve and representing also ahamkāra (individualized consciousness).