2 2 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 7 The nineth level: "Filled with all bliss" (Sarvānanda-maya) Chakra: There is no chakra associated with this level. Key mantra: Hrīm ka e ī la hrīm ha sa ka ha la hrīm sa ka la hrīm (Sodaśī mantra). The ninth or innermost enclosure is the bindu, a dot, and a minute triangle with edges almost falling into each other. The principle of Śrī resides here, united with the Absolute consciousness. Traditionally it is called Śiva-Śakti-eka-rupini. Here the principle of consciousness – Śiva and Śrī (Śakti) are united, and are undifferentiated. From the above it can be clear that the Śrī chakra sādhanā works with all the major parts of the human system of physical, mental and spiritual level. Therefore, the sādhanā as such needs patience and perseverance. When the practitioner reaches the higher levels ("enclosures"), the systemic support needed for success is increasing – as it can be seen from the names of the levels. 3 Conclusions The described Śrī chakra sādhanā is a very effective way, how to look at the yamas and niyamas (not only as given byPatañjali, but also in other yoga texts) from a different perspective. The practices work with all the five systemic parts of humans – the kośas. The mantras give the power needed for leading a dharmic life on physical, mental and spiritual level. It also helps to practice awareness, as well as detachment from unsuitable mental impulses. Finally, it helps to be constructive – to seek the best solution for any life situation. The āsanas help to maintain health and simultaneously to master the vāsanās. The practice is a full-fledged sādhanā that – if the time is ripe – can lead the practitioner up to the ninth level. It can also facilitate an experiential understanding of the universal aspects of Śrī Vidyā in a way that is suitable for the Western mind. Note [1] These mental processes have a number of models and explanations, but for the purpose of Śrī chakra sādhanā, the above cited is being considered. The type and frequency of occurrence of Guardian induced moods or mental states depend on karma and within it on personality, vāsanās, etc. Under karma the set of situations, tendencies and actions are considered that one is experiencing in his life.