S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 7 2 9 Sandó Kaisen Dear friends, You who have been walking for such a long time on the Way, you should just know this: "No love or hate" or "No good or bad" or also "Do not take sides for or against". These words have been pronounced by many masters in the past and they will continue to be pronounced as long as there are men and women on the earth. The duality and the strength of attachment at each end of this duality are the cause of many ills and conflicts. If ignorance of our own Nature is cause of suffering, the duality identified to the individual is an even greater one. This morning, like every other morning, we have fed a great number of seagulls who were paying us a visit right into the room. The hotel was situated on the beach, which facilitated the communion with these huge animals sea mews and seagulls are. The life of these animals of the sea is not that complicated, however they can be very aggressive towards their fellow beings. One thing however is characteristic with animals of a same race: they can fight with each other, but unlike man, they do not kill each other. Among the seagulls, some did not fight but waited patiently for their turn. The stronger ones helped themselves first and only gave their place away, once well-stuffed. About the author Sandó Kaisen (1952) is one of the main representatives of Soto Zen Buddhism in Europe. He has been publicly active since 1990 through his books, lectures, as well as TV and radio appearances.