S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 7 3 1 Sandó Kaisen gentle and tender. Because of the Presence, clear lucidity shines of itself. And so this oneness becomes "character of the sky and of the earth". If you are too earthy, you become proud, conceited, haughty or aggressive. Too close to the sky will make you dreamy, pensive, crooked, indecisive, calculating and weak. By achieving the disappearance of these two opposites, you will then react directly from your deep Nature, serene, even and spontaneous. To be really strong means to be deeply rooted in the Spirit which is yours. The profound Spirit is like the depths of the ocean. It is imperturbable before the waves and any other exterior phenomenon. But most people are like the waves and live under the influence of their own characteristics and those of others. They are unstable in their decisions, victims of their memory’s ghosts or else follow the crowds of other ghosts, even if those are in the wrong. Once this attitude of body-spirit is adopted, it is not sufficient. We must now reflect on interdependency and the impermanence of the world. Because it is not enough to don the armour of the Law without clearly understanding its significance. However, this reflection is not of the intellectual order. It is more a "reflection" in the pure sense of the word. Because, since we are entirely made of the eternal and unique Spirit, the notions of an individual, permanent soul and of total extinction are without foundation. We must possess the Eye of the wisdom of the Buddha. It is the Eye which perceives the truth-unity of all things. One must know that the least sound, the least vision, are only the Eye of the wisdom of Buddha, the Absolute. The essential substance of the Absolute is a perfect whole, with nothing superfluous, nothing lacking, nothing wanting. As for phenomena, they don’t appear independently, but rest on the environment. They are all interdependent. The same applies to our consciousness. Then, all is impermanent and impermanency cannot grasp the Absolute. Since the Absolute is not a state of being, it is impossible for us to understand it. If one understands that all sentient beings are already with the Absolute, it is then unnecessary to search for it.