8 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 3 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 7 Working with Vāyus, Prāna and Prānāyāma in Yoga Received October 7, 2017 Revised October 12, 2017 Accepted October 13, 2017 The paper deals with the practical implementation of the terms prāna and vāyu in teaching yoga. Different yoga schools and traditions use various terms such as vāyu, vāta, prāna, pavana, samīrana, anila, māruta, śvasana, prabhañjanawhile highlighting the importance of the subject of prānāyāma and for describing the related techniques and their effects. The paper gives the different meanings and understanding of terms vāyu, prāna andprānāyāma. The author deals also with the psycho-physiological mechanisms related with the doctrines of vāyu andprāna in relation to prānāyāma. Key words Prāna, vāyu, prānāyāma, selfperception Mukund V. Bhole