Volume 4 Issue 1 Spring 2018

S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 4 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 1 8 3 1 Mária Dědová References Aluede, Oyazo, Fajoju, Adeleke, Omoike, Don, and Justina Afen-Akpaida. 2008. “Review of the Extent, Nature, Characteristics and Effects of Bullying Behaviour in Schools.” Journal of Instructional Psychology 35 (2): 151–158. Arseneaul, Luise, Bowes, Lucy, and Sania Shakoor. 2010. “Bullying Victimization in Youths and Mental Health Problems: Much Ado About Nothing?” Psychological Medicine 40 (5): 717–729. Arsenio, William F., and Elizabeth A. Lemerise. 2001. “Varieties of Childhood Bullying: Values, Emotion Processes, and Social Competence.” Social Development 10 (1): 59–73. Bendl, Stanislav. 2003. Prevence a řešení šikany ve škole. Praha: ISV. Bizová, Naďa, and Janette Gubricová. 2011. “Možnosti pedagogiky voľného času.” In Šikanovanie v prostredí školy: Možnosti prevencie a zvládania, edited by Miroslava Adamík Šimegová and Barbora Kováčová. Trnava: Typi Universitas Tyrnaviensis. 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