2 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 4 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 8 An Interview with William Skudlarek: Interreligious Dialogue Emphasizes an Experiential Knowledge of Other Spiritual Paths Received October 20, 2018 Accepted October 25, 2018 In the interview, which occurred in October 2018 at Saint John’s Abbey, MN, USA, William Skudlarek adresses a series of issues concerning the dialogue and spirituality, such as the issue of personal identity in the dialogue along with the issue of multiple spiritual or/and religious identity, the nature of interreligious dialogue, the dialogue of spiritual experience and its perspectives. Key words Interreligious dialogue, dialogue of spiritual experience, personal identity, multiple spiritual identity Martin Dojčár