S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 1 9 4 3 Barbara Le Pape Time is suspended and becomes very dense. A state of total presence. The knowhow is there, but only as discrete frame. The field to new experiences is wild open. The image of Kālī was created thus. At the end of the work session, I started scribbling on a sheet of paper. I spread linseed oil on it and, before the oil was dry, the pencil began to slide leaving a dense and thick line. Circular movements, circles and more circles. Strongly pressed. Then, sharp streaks. And, she was born that way, this vision of Kālī, the fruit of an energy that directed my hand letting not the mind interfere. Nothing was planned or organized. Things were done by themselves. Certainly, the drawings that came before could already predict it, but, for me, it came out of nothingness, silence, a condensation of energy that, by itself, had to unfold itself. I was just a performer at the service of this energy deployment. It was a moment of bliss (Fig. 5–6). Fig. 5. Kālī » pastel bold, pencil, linseed oil on paper Fig. 6. Kālī » mixed techniques