Volume 5 Issue 2 FALL 2019

S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 4 7 Monika Zaviš 3 Results The results of our survey will be presented in tables and discussed in the frame of every question. Question 1. How does Islam define marriage? Marriage, nikāh, is according to Quranic text in 49:13 an ideal, which is based on the order of Creator (The Holy Quran 1946). This text says, that whole humankind was created from one couple, from man and woman. Qur’an permits a Muslim to have up to four wives, but only if he is able to be just to every wife and if he is able to completely take care of every wife. Marriage is a contract between man and woman, resp. women. The term sacrament does not exist in Islam and therefore marriage is not a sacrament. Every partner has exactly appointed rights and duties (Al-Sbenaty 2012, 21–22, 94–95). Question 2. If a Muslimwould like to marry a woman, what confession she has to be? The future Muslim’s wife may be a believer who professes one of the three Abrahamic religions, or the religions of the Book: a Muslim, a Jewish, or a Christian. The future husband of an Muslimah may only be a Muslim (Zaviš 2013, 13–56). Table 2. Confession of future wife in Islam Answers Number Percentage (a) Muslim 434 74,7 % (b) Muslim or Jewish 76 13,1 % (c) Muslim, Jewish or Christian 33 5,7 % (d) whatever, just not an atheist 21 3,6 % (e) it is not crucial, if she is or is not of any confession 17 2,9 % Table 1. Concept of marriage in Islam Answers Number Percentage (a) relationship between two loving persons with no regard to their sex 2 0,3 % (b) sacrament that unites two persons with no regard to their sex 0 0,0 % (c) contract between two loving persons with no regard to their sex 0 0,0 % (d) sacrament that unites man and woman / man and women 136 23,4 % (e) contract between man and woman / man and women) 439 75,6 % (f) one of the forms of coexistence of man and woman 4 0,7 %