4 8 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 Question 3. What is the basic requirement for human procreation in Islam? Intimate relationships between a man and a woman are not permitted in Islam unless they are bound by a marriage contract. Intimate relationships between same sex partners are not allowed under any circumstances. Human procreation is only possible within the marriage of a man and a woman, resp. women (Al-Sbenaty 2012, 21–22, 94–95). Table 3. The basic precondition for human procreation in Islam Answers Number Percentage (a) long-term relationship of partners 23 4,0 % (b) marriage 551 94,8 % (c) free relationship of partners is enough, if they are willing to raise a child 6 1,0 % (d) short-term relationship of partners is enough, if they are willing to raise a child 1 0,2 % Question 4. What was Muhammad’s attitude towards killing female newborns (infanticide)? The pre-Islamic Arab tribes have routinely murdered newborn daughters. Muhammad told them, that Islam requires to stop this practice (Adnan 2004, 30–31). Qur’an 16:58–59 refers to infanticide of the daughters as to an evil decision (The Holy Quran 1946), because both sons and daughters are Allah’s gift. That also means, that the usage of punishments in home education (Koldeová 2015, 104) should not be associated with the annihilation of the females. On the other hand, the fact, that female infanticide is in Islam forbidden, does not automatically eliminate the permission of temporary contraception usage. Al-Bar and Chamsi-Pasha mention, that even the Prophet himself allowed his companions to practice coitus interruptus (Al-Bar and Chamsi-Pasha 2015, 164). Table 4. Opinion on Muhammad’s attitude towards female infanticide Answers Number Percentage (a) required 84 14,5 % (b) forbidden 341 58,7 % (c) recommended 52 9,0 % (d) considered to be personal decision of every father 74 12,7 % (e) considered to be personal decision of every mother 3 0,5 % (f) declared for religiously neutral decision 27 4,6 %