5 2 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 5 Conclusion Our research among Czech students has sought to identify, present and evaluate the current state of knowledge of Islamic reproductive bioethics necessary for inter-religious communication. It would be also desirable to find out, how the teachers and professors themselves are involved. Future research should focus on the content of the courses, which are dealing with inter-religious and intercultural dialogue, resp. relations, too. Another question concerns the compulsory literature for students and the equipment of academic libraries with up-to-date, high-quality publications that can intrinsically address students and cause their spontaneous interest in their own inter-religious competencies. The following important dimension of inter-religious communication of students, after obtaining knowledge, is the ability of critical thinking and factual discussion. We need to find out, whether our students can think critically and also self-critically, and whether they can convert these considerations into a constructive, unaffected discussion. Findings and conclusions of our survey (n=581) at Czech universities could be perceived as a demonstration of a possible comprehensive nationwide survey of the issue. Acknowledgment The paper originated as an outcome of the project VEGA No. 1/0585/18Bioethics of Reproductive Health in Islam: Basis, Discussion and Challenges.