6 2 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 could barely keep in his saddle. That’s why he was advised to hold on tight… Indeed, that magic spell had really worked! Black and white clouds remained deep, far below them, and even the scattered shreds of fog could no longer be recognized. And though the vast sea of clouds beneath them emitted a glorious, enchanting glow, the knight finally realized that his horse would never be well-fed with earthly things. And not just the horse, even himself will ever be satisfied with the power over them. “You’ll never be well-fed of clouds,” – yes, that was the right magic. The whole world of clouds had now collapsed, and there was nothing but a clear sky above them. They were there, they arrived there. They were finally in heaven! As the clouds lost their dark power, the sun shone all the more – the knight’s only beloved sun to which he set out here. Chapter Five And who was this sun? “You are That” whispered the Earth. “I am That” thundered the heavens. But where should he go next? And mainly, how to do it? The long awaited sun was here and there was so much of it that it could no longer be more. But it was still not his sun, he still didn’t know it completely. He would like to embrace it, to feel its warm closeness, to kiss it, but he was not able to do that: “Love unloved, offered in vain: the lover is here, but the beloved one is still far away…” What was he supposed to do? After all, he was a knight, and as he had got through the clouds, he remembered the only way: To penetrate! “Heaven may be beautiful, but heaven is still only little. I’ll try to get to the sun itself! Only then it will be possible to bring this adventure to the end.” He leaned back and shouted: “Sun, my sun, you’ll see me soon, I’m coming for you!” tures awaiting him in the kingdom of heaven. story, and that there were new, even more glorious adven- But he could not know that this was just the first act of his was loved by, and who he was now in union with. etly, finally knowing who he was, who he loved and who he “I am who I am. I am who I am.” He repeated these words qui- so it will remain forever. been there. From here he no longer has to go anywhere, and sun he had seen in the sky before, and that it had always to tie his shoelace, he noticed that in his heart was the same And when the knight dismounted his horse and bent down one, just to be quiet. close to each other that there was no need to embrace any- known was ‘This is you’ and it was the same as ‘This is me’. So this time without the knight’s previous effort. All that was scribable grace through which time started to run again, but knew exactly when, no one said why. It was a strange, inde- And in that silence it happened. no one knew how, no one any more. There was total silence. the tired wings for good. They were neither rising nor sinking its hoof into the void several more times, and then it hung tionless in immeasurable space. The horse beneath him dug still beyond his reach. Exhausted, he remained hanging mo- the only one, still kindly shining in a flawlessly clear sky, but ful horse swung its wings, the higher the sun seemed – still However, the more he extended his spear, the more his faith- for it. now he firmly believed that he would succeed. mination was right. He had all the armour and the best horse ascend. His direction was right, his goal was right, his deter- It was hard, extremely hard, but after a while he could just he had to overcome vertigo and not deviate from the vertical. It’s not easy just sitting on a horse and pointing upright. First and only that.” the spear I hold out in front of me. The sun is my goal, that “May it burn me to dust, lest there remain any splinter from himself with a throat tight: He urged his winged horse to fly straight up, repeating to