7 0 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 that image, her face no longer shone as it once did, as if she now humbly shared his exile with him. He rushed his horse, from nowhere to nowhere, yet at least forward, and urged him into a trot: “Where are you all? I challenge you to fight!” But there was only dead silence everywhere, without the slightest murmur. “Don’t you even see me here, a tiny human being, the smallest of the smallest?” As he fully realized his infinite misery, he finally looked up. At that moment he was horrified and shivering in terror. There stood a whole celestial army. He realized that the battle he so recklessly asked for would not be long to wait. Ahead of him, now a gigantic chessboard, perfectly smooth and shiny, stretched diagonally upward to unseen heights, over which echoed the trumpet’s voice, announcing the start of the match. The opponent had white figures. The knight noticed the heavily clad pawns in the foreground, the menacing enemy knight with the long sword behind them, and the impregnable rooks on both sides of the chessboard. “Here I have nothing to lose,” the knight thought, lifting his black horse to the rear and leaping into the middle of an empty white field. “Check!” he shouted at the white king, who stood at an angle in the black field. But the white king, leaning on the ancient sword, showed no surprise. On the contrary, he stabbed the sword in front of him with both hands, reached out to the knight, and spoke to him in a gentle voice: “Welcome, my dear heavenly knight. This game is as old as the whole world, and there is no less to play than life. But you and your horse jumped just in the middle of this game. I appreciate your bravery, but long ago the white has begun first,” he pointed at his army, “and is therefore at an advantage. I will let you back your move, but then get out of here quick!” the white king, as if to enchant him with her magic sight. doing nothing yet, just gazing intently into the distance at she had a high, wrought belt of dark, matt metal. But she was hair covered her exposed shoulders, and above her firm hips er seen before. She was incredibly beautiful, her long black hilt in his hand. next to him stood a black queen he had nev- armour of dark steel on his body, and a sword with an ebony wore a glittering crown of black gems on his head, precious He now stood in the back of his army as a black king. He wise words of the white king, and his fear gradually vanished. “The command has to be peaceful,” the knight recalled the he reached into the void. of the kingdom of heaven, Whenever he was certain Chapter Three mand. His hope was now in united force! forward with a thud. This was his army, waiting for his com- mounted their horses and the entire army was moving ly covered his bold cavalry attack, the knights had already a wall of huge black figures. The brave pawns immediateThe knight obeyed and looked back. Behind him towered behind you.” peacefully command the entire army! Turn around and look with your eagerness. This is not the way of the king. He must “But the sword falls out of your hand as soon as it shivers The white king fixed his wise, kind eyes on him. heaven can be conquered by mere sword?” “So you still believe, my dear knight, that the kingdom of beginning of his journey. knight! Yes, he reminded him of a hermit he had met at the The white king shrugged. His appearance was familiar to the for it. I don’t even have anywhere to go back to.” no matter how. That’s my only wish. I’ve sacrificed everything “His Majesty, I promised to bring this adventure to the end,