Volume 5 Issue 2 FALL 2019

S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 7 7 Petr Pavlík Only the dark outline of a flying horse and rider was overshadowing the vast star vault. It was steadily shrinking, and the number of stars around it gradually grew, until only a single tiny star was eventually covered: “My beloved…” And at last the shadow disappeared, and this star shone again in the sky, with a double brightness. For all this night they were allowed to be together again. From earth they were two as one, and from heaven they were one as two. Hallelujah… Notes [1] “The Ten Cow Herding Pictures.” In Essays in Zen Buddhism, edited by D. T. Suzuki, 1949, 363–378. London: Rider & Co. Accessed May 5, 2019. us.archive.org. [2] The Rāmayān of Vālmīki. London: Trübner & Co. Accessed May 5, 2019. www.gutenberg.org. [3] St. Teresa of Avila. 1921. The Interior Castle. London: Thomas Baker. Accessed May 5, 2019. sacred-texts.com. [4] The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness [Cūḷa Suññata Sutta, MN 121]. Accessed May 5, 2019. www.dhammatalks.org. [5] [6] [7] beyond that there was only silence. stone blocks beneath him. one last touch to the ground, and tened as the horses’ hooves rattled faster and faster on the and spurred him on. With his heart pounding, he then lis- see him, took off the sackcloth, exposed the horse’s wings at home. He looked back cautiously that anyone could not went where he belonged as a heavenly knight, where he was He mounted his horse and rode out into the starry night. He himself. Father, so be it if it is your will,” he whispered humbly to mit again. Sure, he’d like it to shine again tomorrow. “Yes, He smiled frankly at this thought and remembered the her- have to at all?” hall, “if the sun will come up again in the morning. Does it “I’m curious, too,” nodded the knight as he was leaving the ing on tables. voices faded in the clatter of pewter tankards and fists bang- “We’re curious, then,” laughed the jolly guests, until their 5, 2019. www.rosenfels.org. Princeton, nJ: Princeton University Press. Accessed May Campbell, Joseph. 2004. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. www.gutenberg.org. furt am Main: Rütten & Loening. Accessed May 5, 2019. Gjellrup, Karl Adolph. 2005. Der Pilger Kamanita. Frank- renthesis. Accessed May 5, 2019. www.yorku.ca. The Quest of the Holy Grail. 2000. Cambridge, on: In Pa-