Volume 5 Issue 2 FALL 2019

S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 7 9 Sandó Kaisen I teach knowledge in order to reach ignorance and not to let the ego appropriate knowledge for its own profit. Knowledge is nothing but a tool for recognising the many obstacles installed in the profound consciousness. To be ignorant is to cease judging oneself and judging the world and things; it is to put an end to interior conflicts and criticism. It is to end nourishing the sovereign and ignorant ego. There is true ignorance, that which liberates the spirit, and there is stupid ignorance which disregards the nature of the world. These two ignorances should not be considered as identical. If it is said in the sutras that “our nature is ignorance”, nowhere is there written that our nature is knowledge! If our profound nature resembles the vast sky, like it, it is liberated of obstacles and liberated of moods. To teach others knowledge is to teach duality. Because, when there is knowledge, there is its opposite: ignorance, which divides beings into two categories. When beings and things are classified into categories, then there is good and bad, that which is loved and that which is hated. Please, do not consider knowledge a thing to develop or maintain. To know our obstacles through the tools of knowledge should bring us intimately back to our true and indestructible nature of Buddha. About the author Sandó Kaisen is one of the main representatives of Zen Buddhism in Europe. He has been publicly active since 1990 through his books, lectures, as well as TV and radio appearances. Just as one should not seek knowledge, do not seek wisdom. Everything that your spirit seeks or creates is artificial. Wisdom is born of knowledge, and knowledge if born of ignorance. However, know that the nature of ignorance has always been there. Covered by numerous illusions, it is always there like a bright pearl hidden in the cave of the demon of the black mountain. All comes from ignorance, including knowledge. Do not be attached to knowledge, but use is for lightening up the darkness of your confused spirit. It is the same for knowledge and beauty: to lay your eyes on beauty means to lay your eyes on death. Impermanent are knowledge and beauties.