Volume 6 / Issue 1 SPRING 2020

S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 6 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 0 2 3 Slavomír Gálik Notes [1] GDV technique was developed by Konstantin Korotkov in 1995 on the bases of theKirlian effect . [2] Here we can also note Buddha’s statement, in which he sees human body as a way to liberation: “ Within this body, six feet tall, endowed with perception and cognition, is contained the world, the origin of the world, and the end of the world, and the path leading towards the end of the world. ” (Grimm 1973, 90). [3] In Christian mysticism we specifically mention a writing by Teresa of Ávila, The Interior Castle ; in the Chinese tradition of the books of life T‘ai-I Chin-hua Tsung-chih published inThe Secret of the Golden Flower ; in Zen Buddhism a classical treatise by Hōun Jiyu-Kennett, How to Grow a Lotus Blossom or How a Zen Buddhist Prepares for Death . [4] The topic is developed in more detail in our study A Comparison of Spiritual Traditions in the Context of Universality of Mysticism (Gálik and Gáliková Tolnaiová 2015). [5] The Cloud of Unknowing (chap. 41, 109) explicitly states that health is an important precondition of contemplation: “ For the love of God beware of illness as much as you can, so that as far as possible yourself is not cause of any weakness... this work demands great serenity, an integrated and pure disposition, in soul and in body. So for the love of God control your body and soul alike with great care, and keep as fit as you can. Should illness come in spite of ev - erything, have patience and wait humbly for God’s mercy .” A comprehensive explanation of this conditioning in the contexts of mystical contemplation and self-transcendence is provided by Martin Dojčár in his books Mystical Contemplation: The Cloud of Unknowing & Ra - mana Maharshi (2008, 49) and Self-Transcendence and Prosociality (2017, 50). References Brugger, Walter. 1994. Filosofický slovník. Praha: Naše vojsko. Darling, David. 1997. Hľadanie duše. Bratislava: Slovenský spisovateľ. Davy, Marie-Madeleine. 2000. Encyklopedie mystiky I. Praha: Argo. Dojčár, Martin. 2017. Self-Transcendence and Prosociality . Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Dojčár, Martin. 2008. Mystická kon - templácia: Oblak nevedenia & Ra - mana Maharši. Bratislava: Iris. DeKorne, Jim. 1997. Psychotropní šamanismus . Praha: Volvox globator. Gálik, Slavomír, and Sabína Gáliková Tol - naiová. 2015. “A Comparison of Spiritual Traditions in the Context of Universality of Mysticism.” Spirituality Studies1 (1): 97–112. Grimm, George. 1973. The Doctrine of the Buddha: The Religion of Reason and Med - itation . New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Hirai, Tomio. 1997. Zazen: léčba zeno - vou meditací . Bratislava: CAD Press. Jiyu-Kennett, Houn. 1997. Jak pěstovat lo - tosový květ aneb jak se zenový buddhista připravuje na smrt. Bratislava: CAD Press. Jung, Carl Gustav, and Richard Wilhelm. 2004. Tajemství zlatého květu. Praha: Vyšehrad. Sudbrack, Josef. 1995. Mystika. Kostelní Vydří: Karmelitánské nakladatelství. Teresa of Avila. 1921. The Interior Castle or The Mansions . London: Thomas Baker. The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Works. Translated into Modern English with an Introduction by Clifton Wolters. 1982. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. Acknowledgements Fig. 1. Photo “17-05 03 St Teresa of Ávi - la” by “Felton Davis” license CC BY 2.0. Fig. 2. was reproduced according to Jung, Carl Gustav, and Richard Wilhelm. 2004. Tajemství zletého květu . Praha: Vyšehrad. Fig. 3. was reproduced with the kind consent of the copyright owner, the CAD Press. Fig. 4 & 5. Visual representation of the energy field mea - sured with the Bio-Well GDV Camera 2,0 by the author.