S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 6 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 0 4 3 Radovan Šoltés 1 Introduction A growing body of research in the field of neurosciences and cognitive sciences shows how human activities alter human brain. In this paper, we will outline how research into reading and meditation can contribute to a more detailed under - standing of what is happening in our brains during their practice. Based on the research findings we would like to stress the importance of these activities in the spiritual practice of a believer, with a specific focus on a spiritual exercise of Lectio Divina . It is a traditional form of spiritual exercise and it holds a rightful place in the development of personal spirituality of a believer. This paper will focus on the spiritual and theological context of Christian faith. What we witness today in the West is a growing interest in meditative form of prayer, concentration or other forms of enstasis. Perhaps, it is a response to living in “fast times”. Peo - ple want instant results and gratifications and that often re - sults in insecurities, stress and discomfort brought about by constantly pushing the boundaries of our plans, desires and limits that are determined by our own natural bio-psychological boundaries. We have also noticed a growing interest in literature promoting the way of thinking that accentuates peace, slowing down and focus on the present moment [1]. We believe that the analysis of meditation activities is relevant and can attract interest in further study of the importance of spiritual exercises in daily life of contemporary people. Having analyzed reading and meditation from the perspective of neuroscience, the author shifts his focus to possible applications of some of these findings to contemplative reading that takes into account one’s theological framework (person’s faith) as well as his/her biological nature. About the author ThDr. Radovan Šoltés, PhD. , serves as Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Greek Catholic Theology of University of Prešov. He has a long pro - fessional record in Christian social ethics and spirituality studies conducted at the crossroad of religion, philosophy and psychology. He authored numerous books and articles and is available at radovan.soltes@unipo.sk.