Volume 6 Issue 2 FALL 2020

S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 6 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 2 0 4 9 Srikanth N. Jois 1 Introduction According to the Indian Vedic worldview, prānā is the fundamental constituent of the universe. The concept of  prānā is described in many Hindu texts, includingUpanisads andVedas . The concept of prānā is elaborated upon in great detail in the practices and literature of theHatha yoga, Tantra , and Ayurveda . In the early Vedic literature, prānā itself was regarded as the spiritual Self since it connects an individual with the universe, till other concepts of Jiva, Ātman , and Purusa came into currency to differentiate deha (physical body), Jiva (soul), andĀtman (Self). Prānā is believed to be present everywhere and in everything. It makes up material objects and is also the waveform that accounts for how objects interact. Belief in it has existed since time immemorial (Walker 2014, 7). It is more often regarded as the underlying force that sustains life forms. Prānā was referenced in theUpanisads as the “breath to life.” The name  prānāwas given to the “vital breath” and by extension to the bodily inhaled air (Rosen 2002, 18–19). Breath is not only filled with oxygen but also with the all-sustaining life-force, prānā (Feuerstein 2003, 239). Breathing techniques and postures in yoga are intended to regulate the flow of vital energy in the human body (Hewitt 2012, 17). Patañjali also describes it and its management is called prānāyāma in the Yoga Sūtras . Prānāyāma is one among the eightfold path calledAstānga yoga (Sanskrit astā , “eight”, anga , “limbs”), that is, yama , niyama , āsana , prānāyāma , pratyāhāra , dhāranā , dhyāna , andsamādhi. Healing body and mind using prānā is an ancient practice in India. In the pranic healingmethod, the same phenomenon of prānā is used by Choa Kok Sui to improve physical and psy - chological health (Sui 2015, 2–3). About the lead author Srikanth N. Jois is currently serving as the Head of Research at World Pranic Healing Foundation in India. He authored books Energy of Pyramids and Traditional Practices in the Gambia and Their Scientific Explanations along with articles published in national and international journals. His email contact is research@pranichealing.co.in. Co-authors Vijaykumar Vinu Siddalingayya Hiremath Kiran Kumar K. Salagame Ramesh Moulya