Volume 6 Issue 2 FALL 2020

S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 6 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 2 0 5 9 Srikanth N. Jois References Adamski, Adam G. 2013. “The Concept of Consciousness and Unconsciousness in the View of Quantum Process - es.” NeuroQuantology11 (3): 466–476. Aurobindo. 1942. Essays on the Gita . Calcutta: Arya Publishing. Beissner, Florian, Franziska Brünner, Ma - ria Fink, Karin Meissner, Ted J. Kaptchuk, and Vitaly Napadow. 2015. “Placebo-Induced Somatic Sensations: A Multi-Modal Study of Three Different Placebo Interventions.” PloS ONE10 (4): 1–21. Burger, Bruce. 2012. Esoteric Anatomy: The Body as Consciousness . Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books. Dasa, Dhira Govinda. 1999. The Vedic Personality Inventory . Clyde, NC: Bhaktivedantacollege . Davies, Jolanda. 2011. “Cultivation of Sattva Guna Through Ayurveda and Yoga as the Basis of Stress Reduction . ” Thesis, The California College Of Ayurveda . Feuerstein, Georg. 2003. The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice . Boston, MA: Shambhala. 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