5 8 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 7 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 Tab. 1 Descriptive Statistics of Spirituality and Posttraumatic Growth in Cancer Survivors (N = 696) Variable M SD S.E. min max Spirituality Importance (n = 680) 4.88 2.13 0.08 1 7 Spirituality Practice (n = 679) 4.22 2.32 0.09 7 7 Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) 61.70 23.70 0.90 0 105 Relating to Others (PTG) 21.42 8.74 0.33 0 35 New Possibilities (PTG) 12.74 6.42 0.24 0 25 Personal Strength (PTG) 11.84 5.15 0.20 0 20 Spiritual Changes (PTG) 5.04 3.42 0.13 0 10 Appreciation of Life (PTG) 10.67 3.84 0.15 0 15 Note: M, SD, S.E. stand for mean, standard deviation, and standard error respectively. 3.4 Analysis of Differences Table 3 shows comparison between spirituality and posttraumatic growth, and its domains in cancers survivors with faith and without faith. Differences were found in the perception of the importance of spirituality with very large effect size and in the practicing of spirituality with huge effect size. Cancer survivors without faith significantly showed significantly lower perception of the importance of spirituality as well as the importance of practicing of spirituality. Cancer survivors with faith reported significantly higher (with large effect size) spiritual changes and relating to others as opposed to cancer survivors without faith. With a small effect size, cancer survivors with faith reported significantly higher overall posttraumatic growth (see Fig. 1). 3.3 Correlations Table 2 shows a correlation between posttraumatic growth, its domains and perceived importance of spirituality, and practicing of spirituality. Small positive correlations between spirituality and overall posttraumatic growth, relating to others, new possibilities, personal strength, and appreciation of life were found. Out of these, the weakest correlation was found between spirituality factors and appreciation of life. Large positive correlation was found between spirituality and spiritual change. According to Bayes factor (BF10), the extreme evidence was found for the correlations between posttraumatic growth, its domains and importance of spirituality and practicing of spirituality, except for the correlation between spirituality factors and appreciation of life where strong evidence was found.