S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 7 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 7 Slavomír Gálik Subtle energies or the subtle body constitute a much better tool for comparison than language because individual chakras can be localized in the human body and, when developed, it is possible to see their dynamical structure literally with just the naked eye [5]. Subtle energies, especially in their developed state, testify to higher spiritual and mystical experience. Individual energy (chakra) centers also distinguish degrees of spiritual and mystical experience, which means that we can anticipate certain spiritual experience behind each of the developed chakra center. Comparison between developed energy centers (chakra) and spiritual experience can then be used also for comparison between individual spiritual traditions. We also need to note here that if energy centers are not developed and therefore invisible, many people either do not believe they exist, or they misinterpret this concept considerably. For example, C. G. Jung, a famous psychologist, whose great knowledge of various spiritual traditions is well recognized, would interpret the Golden Flower purely as a symbol, a consciousness mandala: “The Golden Flower is a mandala symbol” (Jung 2004, 108). Or next comment: “This body [note: The Golden Flower] is, like everything else, a symbol describing extraordinary psychological experience which, being objective, is projected in forms distinguished by biological life – as an embryo, foetus, child, body and so on.” (Jung 2004, 138). On the other hand, C. G. Jung was correct in his idea that without spiritual experience, or subtle energies in our case, one cannot learn about them adequately. He, for example, believed that “instructions are valuable for those who know what a camera or a combustion engine is, but they are useless for those who have no idea about such devices” (Jung 2004, 143). In this case, the second requirement applies when studying mysticism (secunda conditio sine qua non) because it is not quite possible to understand the deepest experience without the initial phase – embracing spiritual and mystical life. Fig. 2 The Golden Flower Above the Top of the Head: Fully Developed Subtle Energies