7 0 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 7 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 2 Methodology: Systematic Literature Review In this topic, the first steps of the systematic review are described. In addition, all research methods used are made the most transparent to the readers (Torraco 2005b; Snyder 2019). A systematic literature review was conducted to respond to the first question of investigation (Denyer and Tranfield 2009). Namely, what is the state of the art about the relationship between knowledge management, organizational practical wisdom, and organizational spirituality? A previously established protocol was followed to guarantee the scientific relevance of the articles (Tranfield, Denyer and Smart 2003; Cooper 1982; Snyder 2019). The criteria of inclusion were (Cooper 1982; Snyder 2019): a) scientific articles on journals (Podsakoff et al. 2005); b) written in English (Ankrah and AL-Tabbaa 2015); c) in Management, Economics or Business (Bengtsson and Raza-Ullah 2016); d) without temporal restriction (Feng et al. 2015). The searches were conducted on January 7, 2020, on the Web of Science and Scopus (Ankrah and AL-Tabbaa 2015) with the terms: TOPIC: (“Knowledge Management” OR “Knowledge”) and (spiritual*) AND (“phronesis”) OR (“organizational wisdom”) OR (“organisational wisdom”) OR (“wise organization”) OR (“wise organization”) OR (“managerial wisdom”) OR (“practical wisdom”). The search results in 223 articles on Scopus and 138 on the Web of Science. A first read of the title, abstract, and keywords of the articles was done to confirm if the articles did fit the third criteria. After the application of the protocol, duplicate items were excluded from the analysis of the results. The authors did several team meetings to discuss the articles and the criteria (Ezzy 2002), but only twelve articles remained after the protocol. These articles were entirely and thoroughly read in search of at least one mention of the constructs or their investigated theoretical relationships. 3 Results Analysis: Systematic Literature Review The literature review focus is on the theory of the selected articles. Its goal is to identify the central issues with exhaustive coverage and espousal of position, organized by theoretical relationships (Cooper 1988). Through the thematic analysis by an inductive approach (Corbin and Strauss 2008), the articles were distributed concerning their theoretical approach of the constructs (Tab. 1): a) Wisdom and spirituality; b) Wisdom and knowledge management; c) Knowledge, spirituality and wisdom; d) Knowledge management, spirituality and organizational wisdom. Theoretical approaches were labeled with the names of the constructs presented in the article. Some articles only address the individual level of the constructs, then “organizational” and “management” were not used in that cases. Table 1 displays the growing interest in the constructs because eight articles were published in the past decade, whereas only four articles in the decade before. Table 1 also shows that only two (17%) of the articles are empirical; both were published in the last decade. The number of articles, the proportion of theoretical articles, and the absence of secondary data, quantitative articles, and systematic literature reviews indicate the newness in research about the relationship investigated herein. Articles were analyzed despite its methodology or epistemological origin because of the goal of developing a theoretical framework. If there were more methodological approaches, it would be possible to do a methodological triangulation in this research and enhance the basis of the new theory (Finfgeld-Connett 2014).