8 0 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 7 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 between these constructs and to refine the propositions. As well, the development of a scale for quantitative empirical studies is necessary. The framework and its propositions are a possibility, among many others. After empirical research, other variables and external influences should be investigated as well. Fig. 1. Theoretical Framework about the Relationship between Knowledge Management, Organizational Practical Wisdom and Organizational Spirituality Knowledge Management • Knowledge creation/sharing • Shared context (ba) • Organizational learning Organizational Practical Wisdom • Leaders’ practical wisdom • Individual practical wisdom • Workplace’ practical wisdom Organizational Spirituality • Leaders’ spirituality • Individual spirituality • Workplace’ spirituality P1 P2 P3 P4 The relationships regarding (P1) knowledge management and organizational practical wisdom, (P2) knowledge management and organizational spirituality, and (P3) organizational spirituality and organizational practical wisdom are becoming more acute with the development of investigations. The literature offers initial clarity about the relationship between the individual levels and its outputs. Although the relationship between the three constructs (P4) still appears only obliquely. The proposed theoretical framework ought to guide future investigations, both theoretical and empirical. Regarding the limitations, the theoretical foundations of spirituality and practical wisdom in management are not sufficiently grounded yet. 7 Conclusion This study is the first step towards expanding research on how organizational spirituality and knowledge management support organizational practical wisdom. This investigation has two main contributions. First, the systematization and categorization of the state of the art. It indicates dual relations between the constructs, mainly when spirituality is religion-based and tacit knowledge is highlighted. It also demonstrates that there is a possibility of more than just dual relationships. The resulting articles from the systematic review led to the demand for an integrative review. Second, the proposition of a theoretical framework concerning their relationship. It emerged from the scrutiny of constructs at their individual and collective levels.