S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 8 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 2 5 7 Miloš Lichner, Ladislav Proks 9 Conclusion Book of Psalms accompanied Augustine during his conversion and subsequent spiritual growth (Augustinus 1981 in CCSL 27, 137). The method used for work with homiletic commentaries to Psalms underlined the essential images of God’s mercy through which Augustine communicated spiritual message to his listeners. According to the author, God’s mercy is the means through which God leans down to lead man to the full communion with him. The Incarnation of God’s Mercy ich Christ represents the clearest expression of God’s mercy. He is the Samaritan healing people so that they can continue in their spiritual journey towards God. Thus, Christians should not rely on their own achievements, but in humble trust let Christ heal them. God not only cures people; just like hen protecting its nestlings, he protects people during their spiritual pilgrimage. The Eucharist has always been perceived as a spiritual food on the way of spiritual growth and Augustine could communicate the necessity of its regular ingestion through the images of bread and milk. Hence, in such an innovative and comprehensible way he used common images known to his audience to present important spiritual themes. It’s a part of new reading of early Christian texts marked by the effort to unveil the secret of Augustine’s ability to speak to common people and convince them about fundamental accents of Christian spirituality like unconditional and humble trust in God’s merciful help that totally rejects human vanity. Augustine’s theology is always a theology of dependence on God: Man depends on God in everything and exists only within one’s relationship with God. Acknowledgement The study originated as a partial outcome of the project no. APVV-17-0001 under the sponsorship of the Slovak Research and Development Agency. References Augustinus Hipponensis. 1911. “Epistule.” In CSEL 57. Wien. Augustinus Hipponensis. 1992. “De moribus ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manicheorum libri duo.” In CSEL 90. Wien. Augustinus Hipponensis. 1954. “In Iohannis euangelium tractatus CXXIV.” In CCSL 36. Brepols. Augustinus Hipponensis. 1956. “Enarrationes in Psalmum.” In CCSL 38. Brepols. Augustinus Hipponensis. 1956. “Enarrationes in Psalmum.” In CCSL 39. Brepols. Augustinus Hipponensis. 1956. “Enarrationes in Psalmum.” In CCSL 40. Brepols. Augustinus Hipponensis. 1981. “Confessionum libri tredecim 9, 8.” In CCSL 27. Brepols. Andoková, Marcela et al. 2019. Žalm 119. Bratislava: Dobrá kniha. Borgomeo, Pasquale. 1972. L’Eglise de ce temps dans la prédication de saint Augustin. Paris: Études augustiniennes. Dojčár, Martin. 2019. “Hugo Makibi Enamiya-Lassalle, SJ: A Pioneer of the Dialogue of Spiritual Experience.” Acta Missiologica 13 (2): 36–50. Dufka, Vlastimil. 2019. “Historicko-teologické aspekty procesiových spevov Eucharistie.” Teologický časopis 17 (1): 21–40. Fiedrowicz, Michal. 1997. Psalmus vox totius Christi: Studien zu Augustins ‘Enarrationes in Psalmos’. Freiburg: Herder. Kulisz, Jozef, Miloš Lichner, Andrej Filipek, Helena Lukianová, and Silvia Sýkorová. 2021. “Return of the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti to the Patristic Roots of Christian Social Tradition.” Acta Misiologica 15 (1): 168–178. Mohrmann, Christine. 1954. “Praedicare, tractare, sermo.” In La Maison-Dieu 39. Paris: Éditions du Cerf. Mohrmann, Christine. 1961. “Saint Augustin prédicateur.” In Études sur le latin des chrétiens 1. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. Pétré, Henri. 1934. “Misericordia: Histoire du mot et de l’idée du paganisme au christianisme.” Révue des Études Latines 12: 376–389. Poque, Suzanne. 1984. Le langage symbolique dans la prédiacation de saint Augustin d’Hippone: Images héroïques 1–2. Paris: Etudes augustiniennes. Roukema, Riemer. 2004. “The Good Samaritan in Ancient Christianity.” Vigiliae Christianae 58 (1): 56–74. Urbančok, Milan. 2021. “Analýza dokumentu Biblia a morálka a niektoré morálne implikácie.” Teologický časopis 19 (1): 45–59.