S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 8 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 2 6 7 Robert Kaluža, Helena Kalužová When this energy is released, it will not be irradiated diffusely, in all directions, but it will begin to rise upwards. From the point of view of yoga, this technique is hatha-yogic.” (Minařík 2013, 53). 3) Until “the third Buddhist immersion [note: dhyāna], life force, in the form of vibrating energy, flows through the body downward, to legs and feet and flows out, into the earth. The third Buddhist immersion allows the practitioner to permanently hold one’s own body in their consciousness, which redirects this energy current upwards, toward the head. Thus, when the flow of the life force is, thanks to constant awareness of the body starting with the distal parts, changes direction and starts flowing upward, the earth’s gravitational force stops executing its absolute function. Once the awareness touches also the coarser physiological principles, the [note: yogi] will be able to control the cellular structures of their body as well. With this, the electromagnetic trend of the cells of the physical body starts changing and that is the beginning of taking control of one’s own being in the material world.” (Minařík 1993/1, 147–148). 4) Once the yogi seizes the “body of the cells, which is the quintessential factor of mass, he or she starts creating the socalled inner or spiritual body which can completely take place of the material body acquired from our birth mother” (Minařík 1991/2, 239–240). 5) With the re-creation of the original indestructible cosmic body, the process of transformation and the transfer of consciousness is successfully completed. Acknowledgement The authors express their gratitude to Zdeněk Černý, the translator of their study, and special thanks to Martina Miššíková. References Minařík, Květoslav. 1990. Přímá Stezka. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1991/1. Cesta k dokonalosti. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1991/2. Jóga v životě současného člověka. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1991/3. Světlo géniů. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1992/1. Kečara. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1992/2. Spása. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1992/3. Vnitřní smysl Nového zákona. Praha: Canopus Minařík, Květoslav. 1993/1. Drahokamy 1. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1993/2. Drahokamy 2. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1993/3. Pronikavý vhled. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1994. Pataňdžaliho jógasútra. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1995/1. Lao-c‘ovo Tao-te-t‘ing. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1995/2. Malý slovník mystický. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 1997. Tajné zasvěcení. Praha: Canopus. Minařík, Květoslav. 2013. Yoga and Buddhism in the Life of a Contemporary Person. Praha: Canopus. Clowová, Barbara H. 2006. Katastrofobie. Praha: BB/art. Neumann, K. E. 1993. Dvacet jedna řečí askety Gótama zvaného Buddha. Praha: Felt technika.