S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 8 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 2 2 1 3 Enrico Beltramini [18] He confessed that he was rich enough to be free from material preoccupation. [19] The motivation of Panikkar’s marriage is probably related to his solitude. See Panikkar 2018a, February 9, 1979. The English translation leaves out a word from the Italian original. To justify the marriage of priests, Panikkar proposed the example of the Zen married monks: see Panikkar 2018a, November 24, 1982. He also argued for a contemplative life that is active, too. See Panikkar 2018a, December 19,1985. Later in his life, he admitted his marriage was a mistake. Panikkar 2018a, August14, 2007. After reading Panikkar 2018a, one is left wondering whether the unusual combination of monkpriest-husband was the result of a brilliant intellectual effort of integration or a mere attempt to circumvent one’s own weaknesses. For an alternative opinion, see Bielawski’s intellectual biography of Panikkar. He believes that Panikkar got married for love. See Bielawski 2013, 261. [20] The original sentence reads, “a man without biography”, referring to Martin Heidegger. References Abhishiktananda. 1998. Ascent to the Depth of the Heart: The Spiritual Diary (1948–1973) of Swami Abhishiktananda: A selection. Edited with introduction and notes by Raimon Panikkar. Translated by David Fleming and James Stuart. Delhi: ISPCK. Bergson, Henri. 1970. Oeuvres. Edition du Centenaire. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Bielawski, Maciej. 2013. Panikkar: Un Uomo e il Suo Pensiero. Roma: Fazi. Foucauld de, Charles. 1966. Lettres à Mme de Bondy. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer. Hühnerfeld, Paul. 1950. Sachen Heidegger. Hamburg: Hoffman & Campe. Machado. Antonio. 1912. Campos de Castilla. Madrid: Renacimiento. Panikkar, Raimon. 2018a. The Water of the Drop: Fragments from Panikkar Diaries. Delhi: ISPCK. Panikkar, Raimon. 2018b. L’Acqua della Goccia. Frammenti dai Diari. Milano: Jaka. Rushdie, Salman. 1992. “One Thousand Days in a Balloon.” In Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism, 1981–1991. New York & London: Penguin. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1922. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. London: Kegan Paul.