2 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 8 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 2 2 The Water and The Drop: Notes on Panikkar’s Diary Received May 21, 2022 Revised July 19, 2022 Accepted July 20, 2022 Theologian Raimon Panikkar lived a complex and tortuous life, although as he revealed in his notes, published post mortem, he was driven by a single, incessant spiritual vision. This paper is an attempt to connect his life with that vision. Thus, this study focuses on the relationship between spirituality and life and pursues how to make sense of certain of his character traits such as indecision, indifference, and estrangement. The portrait I offer is that of a genial and troubled man in search of a compatibility between acosmism and cosmic existence in this time between the resurrection and the eschaton in which human beings can be water while being still a drop. Key words Raimon Panikkar, Abhishiktananda, mysticism, Charles de Foucauld, spirituality Enrico Beltramini