2 2 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 8 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 2 2 Hermeneutics and Mysticism: A Philosophical Dialogue with David R. Hawkins Diego Pérez Lasserre Received June 8, 2022 Revised July 18, 2022 Accepted July 20, 2022 The study aims at justifying of the thesis that the inclusion of concepts belonging to the mystical tradition, as portrayed by David R. Hawkins, enriches philosophical hermeneutics. The road map designed for the purpose is as follows: By providing hermeneutical context regarding human understanding a theoretical background is created for an argument that the thematization of human understanding as finite and projective is enriched if concepts of spiritual/mystical traditions are incorporated into it. Consequently, a justification is made that generating a bridge between contemporary hermeneutics and the spiritual world allows to conceptually provide practical tools for the pursuit of happiness. Key words Philosophical hermeneutics, David R. Hawkins, spirituality, mysticism