Editorial 1
Multidimensional Consciousness System Discovery 2
1 Introduction 3
2 Personal Experience Background 4
3 Personal Kundalinī Rising Experience 4
4 Kundalinī Rising Process 5
4.1 Some Observations on Kundalinī Rising 7
5 Multidimensional Consciousness System Overview 9
6 Conclusions 10
Acknowledgement 11
References 11
Realms of Consciousness and the Real 12
1 Introduction 13
2 Consciousness and Modern Psychology 14
3 “As Above, So Below” 15
4 Liberation and Bondage 15
5 Toward a Multidimensional Model of Consciousness 16
6 Cognition and the Real 17
7 Ordinary and Transpersonal Dimensions of Mind 17
8 Mind as a Mirror of Reality 18
9 Conclusion 19
References 20
Dhāranā from the Perspective of Computer Science 23
1 Introduction 24
2 World Model 24
3 Reality Escape Using Sankalpa 26
3.1 Preparation and Protection 27
3.2 Sankalpa, Mantra, and the Problem of Breath Synchronization 27
3.3 Sankalpa to Schedule Events 28
3.4 Sankalpa as an Automation Tool 28
3.5 Sankalpa to Leave 28
3.6 Sankalpa to Create a New Reality 29
3.7 Sankalpa of Devotion 29
4 Vulnerability Assessment Using “I” 29
5 Denial of Service of the Mirrors of “I” 30
5.1 Wiping Mirrors by Rejection and Expansion 31
5.2 Desynchronisation Attack to Break Mirrors 31
6 Code Injection Aided Descend 35
7 Taking Control Over Dream States 35
7.1 Manas Chakra Dhā ranā 36
7.2 Using Callback Functions 37
8 Conclusion 37
Notes 37
References 39
Imagination, Time, and Spirituality – Mircea Eliade’s Timeless Grasp of Reality 40
1 Introduction 41
2 Methodology of Mircea Eliade 42
3 Homo Religiosus 44
4 Eliade’s Philosophy of Time 45
5 Conclusion 50
References 51
From the Facticity of Phenomenality to the Mystic Absolute: Variations of Truth in Kabir’s Poetry 52
1 Introduction 54
2 An Unflinching Look at the Facticity of Life 55
3 The Desperate Seeker 57
4 Poetry of the Mystic Awe 58
5 Conclusion 60
References 61
The Mystical Experience of Sophia in the Life and Work of Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev 62
1 Introduction 63
2 A Short Biography of Soloviev 64
3 The Mystical Vision of Sophia in Soloviev’s Autobiographical Account 64
4 The Figure of Sophia in the Biblical and Christian Tradition 65
5 Soloviev’s Occultism and Eroticism 65
6 The Philosophical Conceptualization of Sophia in Soloviev’s Religious Thought 66
7 Conclusion 68
Notes 68
Acknowledgement 68
References 69
Contemplative in Action: Fundamental Aspect of Spirituality of St. Augustine of Hippo 70
1 Introduction 72
2 Methodology 72
3 Augustine’s Philosophical and Biblical Sources 72
4 The Anthropological Base of Augustine Thinking 73
5 Right and Wrong Cognition 74
6 Contemplation and Mystical Experience 75
7 The Indispensability of Grace 75
8 Conclusion 76
Acknowledgement 76
References 77
Mindful Attention to Everyday Social Categorization 78
1 Introduction 79
2 Beginning with Mindfulness 80
3 Mindfulness in the Buddhist Tradition 80
4 Mindfulness Today 81
5 Mindfulness is Action 81
6 The Problems of Social Categorization 82
7 The Importance of Everydayness 83
8 A Return to the Ordinary 83
9 Attention to Everyday Social Categorization 84
10 Conclusion 84
References 86
Meaningful Contexts of Interpretation of Transpersonal Experience by Representatives of the Eastern Spiritual Practices in Ukraine 88
1 Introduction 90
2 Theoretical Basis 90
3 Method and Methodology 93
4 Interpretation of Research Findings and Discussion 94
5 Conclusion 98
Notes 99
References 99
Mission 101