18 Spirituality Studies 9-2 Fall 2023 Religionesque: A Term for Dealing with Contemporary Alternative Religious Forms in Empirical Studies The term in the title is intended to suggest that today’s increasingly diverse, alternative forms of belief related to religion are less easily captured by the terms religion and spirituality. In addition to explaining the difficulty of defining these two terms and discussing similar, previously proposed, and useful concepts to overcome this difficulty, I present the process of creating of the term “religionesque” and its proposed use in empirical research. During my empirical fieldwork, I experienced the need for the missing term, which I believe should be introduced not only because of the analysis of certain alternative forms, but also because it nicely translates a term that already exists to some extent in the Hungarian language. Sára Eszter Heidl Received May 4, 2023 Revised May 25, 2023 Accepted May 26, 2023 Key words Alternative religion, sociology, cultural anthropology, ethnography

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